NQRNews for 8 May 24: This Article was Orignally posted on 12 August 2022. It Still Applies Today: Joe Biden is the WORST President the USA has Ever Had

Original Article Posted on 2 min read Uncle Mike

(Photo by Getty Images)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

It is a fine time to re-read this post. Joe Biden has become an even worse leader today than he was back in August of 2022. Dear Democrats. Enjoy your protest, your lying Bidenomic reports, and the daily embarrassment of the US standing on the Global stage. You voted for this mess. It continues to get worse:

It’s Friday and I’d really like to enjoy this beer. But I keep have reminders of how crappy the leadership is in the USA right now. Here are just a few links to articles on the D. I. M. E. available at www.notquiterightnews.com that prove my point. Joe Biden is the worst president the USA has had in my lifetime. And yes, I’m old.


This is indicative of Joe Biden’s inability to lead. He created a crisis by losing control of Pelosi, and now the congressional reps are headed to Ukraine. The US has lost its way with the Biden Administration in office. I hope he enjoys his vacation with the smartest person he knows in tow:

Lawmakers are heading to Ukraine with or without White House’s approval | The Hill


The Southwestern portion of the US is suffering from a terrible drought, but I think Germany might have it worse:

German Shipper To Halt Rhine Operations As Water Level Drops Below Critical | ZeroHedge

England as well:

Drought: 13 rivers in England at lowest level ever recorded | The Independent


We have not forgotten the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. Another failure of the Biden Administration:

Little warning, unclear responsibilities plagued Afghan resettlement: report (militarytimes.com)

The Pentagon continues the push to change the focus to the east:

US points new-gen missile defense radar at China, Russia – Asia Times


Keep an eye on this. It will be interesting to see how this plays out:

US Chip 4 plan hands South Korea a devil’s choice – Asia Times

See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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