Senator Manchin Gets the Trump Treatment

Senator Manchin Gets the Trump Treatment

Commentary by Uncle Mike

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has the audacity to think for himself. In doing so, he has no only potentially saved the Republic, he has definitely saved the Senate. In the process of being a man of principle by placing his position as a US Senator in front of his position as a Democrat US Senator, Joe Manchin has demonstrated there is hope in the political cesspool that is Washington DC.

Senator Manchin has decided the use of the filibuster in the Senate is something that is worth fighting for. He is absolutely, 100% correct in his decision. Now come the consequences. By not following a party policy to vote for something he disagrees with, the Senator has been threatened, ridiculed, attacked by the media, called out on social media, and basically treated like… Former President Trump. This treatment should be seen by other Democrats as a harbinger (def: a forerunner of something) of how they will be treated. Republicans need not worry as they get this treatment on a daily basis. Ask Senator’s Paul or Cruz.

There is one very large difference between Senator Manchin and his Republican Co-Senators. Senator Manchin has one ace up his sleeve that he can play. With a 50-50 D vs. R count in the Senate, Senator Manchin, who represents a Red Republican state (West Virginia) could decide he is tired of the threats or tiresome name-calling of the media and the social justice league with their trolling iphones, and decide, maybe he can accomplish more as a Republican Senator and turn the Senate into a 51-49 Republican majority?

Alas, the right leaners can dream. Joe Manchin will not abandon the Democrat Party. He is onboard the never Trump train. Senator Schumer can call Senator Manchin all the names he wants, but he too, knows Joe Manchin saved the Senate. The policies of the Biden Administration (defund police, open borders, higher taxes, spending more tax dollars than an aircraft carrier of drunken sailors, and providing confusing diplomatic guidance, etc.) will probably see a switch in the congress in 2022. Senator Schumer will no doubt want the ability to filibuster a Republican majority.

For just a short moment, Joe Manchin is simultaneously the greatest Senator of the Day and the most vilified (def: speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner). For a minute, he understands what it feels like to walk in Donald Trump’s shoes.

Uncle Mike
