Rebellion XXI

Rebellion XXI

Commentary by Uncle Mike

(Image Reuters)

There is a rebellion underway in the US. There are multiple areas with significant pushback to the Biden administration, democratic political leaders, media pundits, all across the political and informational spectrum. If you look hard enough you will find the US population “awakening” from too much cult of the woke and political narratives that are being challenged.

The efforts to ostracize policeman from doing their job is being met with tremendous pushback. Efforts to defund the police are being questioned and police officer’s are retiring or resigning. Media moguls are losing viewers due to their one sided presentation to stories the people know to be false. Government leaders are being questioned at all levels. The people want answers.

Let’s start in Portland, OR. In Portland, the police riot team has quit in mass, not necessarily over defunding the police but due to the indictment of a fellow officer for arresting(?) a reporter. In other areas police are retiring or just leaving the force because of the failure to get support from supervisors, administration officials or blue government leaders.

Texas is pushing back against Federal government overreach. The State is taking steps to build a southern border wall to stop the illegal alien surge that is creating havoc on the border. Governor Abbott passed a law allowing citizens to carry firearms. Texans will be able to carry handguns without a license. Hotels can’t stop visitors from taking guns into the rooms, and the government can’t shut down gun shops during a declared disaster.

Also in Texas, cities that have large Hispanic populations or tend to vote for Democrats are making the change. Brownsville, TX is 85% Hispanic and they just voted for a Republican mayor. Link here: Arlington, Ft. Worth, and now McAllen, Texas – American Thinker. Both Arlington and Ft. Worth have voted for Republican mayors.

There is a message being sent in Texas and other states. Dear Democrats: you have a problem! You are being figured out as high tax, big government socialists, with a pro globalists message, and a national track record of racism and violence that is NOT being well received across the country.

Speaking of more states taking steps towards quiet rebellion, Florida is offering police officers to support defense of the southern border to states like Arizona and Texas. Florida recognizes the influx of illegal alien’s effects them too. The illegals are not restricted to Texas and have been afforded both financially and with transportation to travel throughout the US by the Biden administration. He may have VP Harris say in a quiet voice in Guatemala, “Don’t come. Don’t come.” But the message sent since his campaign has been get to the US and the US will take care of you. The states along the border are taking matters into their own hands.

It’s not just states, but some cities as well. There was an effort in Baltimore, Maryland, by citizens who have decided their businesses can no longer stand the current work environment. The lack of law and order in Baltimore has driven local businesses to band together to consider not paying taxes. If your businesses are respected and the local government fails to protect you, what other choice do you have? Take the law into your own hands? We all know how that ended on 6 January.

Baltimore is not alone. The Atlanta suburb, Buckhead, has filed paperwork to secede from Atlanta. Link to story here: Wealthy Atlanta suburb of Buckhead files for divorce from city amid rising crime – USA News Lab. It is under the same principle as Baltimore. If the local government fails to protect a community, there needs to be a ‘divorce’.

Across the US, school board meetings and parents are lashing out against School Boards that push CRT and BLM thought into the school curriculum. The US military is clarifying its policy on ‘extremist’ (code for Trump supporters and anyone that questions the results of the 2020 election) due to pushback from service members and congress.

Another impressive sign of rebellion is on the COVID front. There is tremendous push back against government narrative announcements on the ongoing Covid pandemic. There is pushback across the world. People are refusing to wear the mask; they’re not taking an “experimental” vaccine and we are seeing people actually speak out against the vaccine. After all, it is their body, their choice whether to take the vaccine. One huge courageous voice is former NBA great, John Stockton. He posted a video speaking out against COVID propaganda. Here is what he says:

“This isn’t a virus cheating us of this opportunity, it’s the guys making decisions saying ‘No, no, we’re too scared and we’re gonna shut everything down. Sit in your house and be careful. My kids and grandkids hearing these things and accepting them as truth when I know by my significant amount of research that it isn’t is very frustrating.”

 Here is the link to the video:  NBA legend John Stockton triggers leftists… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS. Mr. Stockton is not known as someone to step into the limelight or profess his opinion. He must be very concerned about what he sees happening.

We are also other stories published about COVID in 2020. Stories are indicating that Hydrochloroquine, zinc and azithromycin were a beneficial cocktail to counter the virus symptoms. Studies are proving that there were medicines available to treat COVID-19 symptoms even helping some patients that were already in emergency rooms. However, mainstream media outlets in their desire to destroy Presidents Trumps’ re-election campaign failed the people, not just in the USA, but around the world by declaring the COVID cocktail unproven and not to be used. This reporting was criminal.

Another story indicates source of the virus was man-made at the Wuhan lab in China. There are stories of scientists that argued for positions that support information of the Wuhan Bio Lab as the source of the global pandemic virus. Again, the mainstream media ‘s narrative and even Joe Biden pushed a narrative that President Trump was racists for taking steps to prevent travel from China. All in the name of pushing a political narrative to shape election decisions in favor of Joe Biden. The media did there best to put Doctor Anthony Fauci up as the medical oracle on all things COVID. It has been reported on multiple sites that Dr. Fauci’s positions changed or ‘flip-flopped’ on multiple issues relating to actions to be taken on COVID. In many cases, with questionable guidance, the doctor only created more confusion.

The mainstream media argued all these points to try and make President Trump look bad. Today, more research has proven that the medical cocktail can be used early in treatment against the virus. People are waking up this fact.

As a sidenote, even comedians Bill Maher and Jon Stewart have stepped out of the shadows to provide their perspectives on COVID and they are breaking away from the narrative of fear of all things COVID. In 2021, their positions, which are contrary to the wishes of the entertainment industry, are being well received. It takes courage for comedians to go against the grain or wishes of the entertainment cancel culture. Rebellion from comedians is long overdue.

Speaking of the narrative, the information on the January 6 so-called insurrection (def: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government) is being questioned across-the-board. Questions on Ashli Babbitt‘s killer, the process of defense of the capital, and the leadership decision making associated with the entire event is being questioned. It appears that the capital police and even Congress have some questions that they have failed to answer. There are also serious accusations of FBI or DOJ law enforcement personnel being imbedded in with the protestors that possibly provided planning and stirred up the violence. For some reason they are not being prosecuted and Ashli Babbitt’s murderer remains unknown. The answers to these questions do not support the narrative of an insurrection. This narrative is crumbling, and the people are awakening to the misinformation from the political leadership and the media reporting as to what the truth is.

Are US government leaders responsible for failing to report intelligence indications of the potential for violence? There are even reports the social media platform ‘Parler’ provided indications of peculiar traffic being communicated. It is being reported the individuals that were arrested for the “insurrection” have not been charged and many are in isolation. This is criminal. Granted, what they did was wrong, but even Vladimir Putin spoke of the overbearing effort being targeted at the protestors. It is embarrassing when a foreign dictator calls out your country for the overreach of one’s law enforcement officials. This is not sitting well with anyone in the US. Questions are being asked.

Now we come to the status of President Biden. Coming off his trip to the G7 and the summit with Vladimir Putin, questions arise about the cognitive standing of the president. A former White House doctor is recommending President Biden undergo a cognitive test. When Biden finished his press conference, reporters asking questions were treated to an angry, tired, and frail president. Indications of early dementia (memory problems, particularly remembering recent events, increasing confusion, reduced concentration, and personality or behavior changes). President Biden is no longer Senator Biden. He is no longer sharp witted and cordial. He is now being questioned even by the press. When you see the media reporting a neutral perception of President Biden, you know there are problems at the White House.

The rebellion is not just the US. The UK has a new news channel called, GB. Article link here: Britain finally has an alternative television channel – American Thinker Perhaps the Brits, who stood up for Brexit, now have had enough of being told what to think by the BBC? The great awakening is going global!

Finally, we have the ongoing audit saga. Across the US, multiple voting sites are being questioned for their integrity. The results of these audits will not change the outcome of the election and President Trump has stated that he lost the election of 2020. However, millions of eyes were opened to the nefarious activities of voting by mail, electronic ballot counting and questionable handling of ballots by biased election officials. These discrepancies, primarily in large cities, and the actions that were taken by some state governments to change voting laws due COVID just prior to the election are now being scrutinized. I do not believe that will be allowed to happen in the next vote. The rebels will not tolerate it again.

There will be more pushback against perceived voting problems from 2020 and an increased push in voter integrity laws is underway. Texas Democrats walked out to prevent a new law from to improve voter integrity. The law essentially requires voter ID, which the people of the United States want. But no Democrat that wants to win an election is willing to accept voter ID, as it makes it difficult to cheat if you have one person, one picture, and only one vote.

You cannot hide under the cover of racism constantly when that too is being proven as a false narrative. Countries needs voter ID in order to ensure the integrity of their voting process.

Across many areas in the USA, we are seeing push back against events, processes, and actions that are being perceived as counter to the freedom the nation has enjoyed for so long. You can expect this cold rebellion not just to continue, but probably expand. The people deserve answers to the questions they’re asking and the only way to get them is to be a rebel.

Uncle Mike
