NQRNews HLs for 19 June: Iran Election Results, US Navy Needs More Money

NQRNews HLs for 19 June: Iran Election Results, US Navy Needs More Money

(Image US Navy.jpg)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for 19 June, 2021.

Diplomacy News:

Great news here. NOT!:

Hard-line Iranian cleric wins presidency | TheHill

Bonus diplomacy news:

The Canadian politicians want to “Control” their southern border. Shame the US congress doesn’t want to do the same:

Canadian ambassador calls for close coordination in handling of US border | TheHill

Information News:

The west wants to eliminate coal so they can create more expensive ‘green’ alternatives. But, Russia can sell (and cut off) them gas:

Depleted Gas Stocks Force Europe To Use More Coal | ZeroHedge

Military News:

US Navy is going to need more Billion$:

Lawmakers crunching the numbers on potential surface Navy additions to FY22 spending plan (defensenews.com)

Economic News:

Excellent news here. Interesting discovery that has tremendous potential for more than just military use:

Aussies claim extraordinary thermal discovery – Asia Times

A ‘not quite right news’ story:

Three killed, two missing after dropping over dam in inflatable rings – four rescued after 19 hours | US News | Sky News

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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Uncle Mike

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