Post G7: A Tale of Two Presidents

Post G7: A Tale of Two Presidents

Commentary by Uncle Mike

Let’s take a moment to observe the last two Presidents of the USofA. One each, Donald John Trump, and Joe Robinette Biden Jr. A cursory analysis of objective review and unbiased opinion. (Nope.)

On one hand you have Donald J. Trump. A man of wealth and action. A penchant for flair and bombast. An owner of multiple businesses and by most people’s account, a billionaire from his work in New York Real Estate and Hotel Management. (Link: Trump Net Worth 2021: Business Empire at Risk from Covid, Capitol Riot, Debt ( Decisive, jovial and a President that was controversial, to say the least. He was a New Yorker that made business deals and became a billionaire.

In earlier days, he was a California (almost) Democrat that ran in the entertainment industry circles and was placed on a pedestal as a man that could create stars from their success on his “Apprentice” show. Then he announced he wanted to run for President as a Republican. Mr. Trump found out very quickly what it is like to become the target of the political oligarchs in Washington DC and their media lackeys.  Supported by a family that is loyal, protective and is still scrutinized to this day.

When President Trump amazingly defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, he had no concept of the hell that his adversaries would put him through. Russiagate, unbridled investigations on made up information, the entire US Washington establishment out to get him and not one, but two impeachments, the man still insights unhinged rage from leftists’ democrats and absolute fear of the power that he still commands.

Perhaps Donald Trumps’ wisest decision was to pick Mike Pence to be his Vice President. Nobody wanted Mike Pence to be President. Too conservative and a lightening rod for the left. Questionable loyalty to President Trump at the end, but not a person ever considered to replace Trump.

Today former President Trump enjoys playing golf, having occasional rallies for thousands of fans and triggering leftist throughout the USA. His fans would undoubtedly vote for him again today if given the chance.

Now a moment on Joe R. Biden. A man forever in the service to the US as a politician. Joe Biden grew up in a working-class family to be elected as a US Senator in 1973 until 2009. Then was picked by President Barack Obama to be his Vice President for 8 years. He was loyal to Obama and never offered any position that conflicted with his boss. “The poorest man in congress” is worth approximately $9MILLION (Link: What Is Joe Biden’s Net Worth | How Much Money Is Joe Biden Worth (

Biden as a Senator was seen as moderate, a cross the aisle kind of guy. For 49 years Joe Biden was in Washington. Making political deals and he became a multi-millionaire.

Joe Biden has never been put under the microscope. He represented Delaware. A state that can fit in a county in Montana. His Washington standing has provided Delaware with standing equivalent to California and a political position just as blue. Senator Biden is supported by a loyal family, and one particular member that can get away with using the N-word in emails, conduct foreign business deals that generate questionable income and have a laptop with criminal activity on it that is totally irrelevant to anything.

Joe Biden is the President of the USA. Not due to people voting for him, but because apparently 80 million people voted against Donald Trump. The media and the Biden defenders would have us believe that over 80 million people, more than Hillary, hell, even more than President Obama(?) voted for Joe because they wanted this man to be the President. It doesn’t matter if the people voted for Biden or against Trump, the fact is Biden is the President and he will remain the President for the immediate future. Trump will NEVER be President again. This is unacceptable to the USA due to the insane level of psychological manipulation the left has done to half the population.

Perhaps Joe Biden’s wisest decision of his campaign was to pick Kamala Harris to be his Vice President. Nobody wants Kamala Harris to be President (Except by those that see a double check mark covering both ‘person of color’ and female). VP Harris is too liberal and a lightening rod to the conservative right. When in DC, she shadows the President and helps him to get to his next location when he is presented around the White House. She is not the person most of America wants to replace Joe Biden (not because she is a woman OR the color of her skin, but because of her ideology and ability). She will replace President Biden. Soon.

Today, President Biden lives in a really nice home. Not of the retirement nature. His performance at the G7 had some interesting moments and the Putin Summit is being hailed as… really good. Even if shorter than advertised. Flash to his press conference, where the President was short and grumpy with a press that does everything in their power to prop him up and position him as the best President ever (except for Obama) because…well…he’s not Trump. President Biden provided an unforgettable image of himself as a version of Jeff Dunham’s angry old man puppet, Walter.

Even with that flash of 79-year-old man, the entire planet is hoping he can hold it together until 2024, when he will run again against Donald Trump in 2024. I do not hear or see a large rally cry from all the Biden voters proclaiming what a great job he’s doing and how happy there are to have voted for him. The bar they have set for their selection is so low, even an old man can step over it. Every day those that voted for him hope and pray he doesn’t stumble.

It is my opinion that neither of these two Presidents will be running in 2024. Trump, because…why the hell would he want to? He’s the Republican leader, the team Red king maker. Whoever he picks will get 60 million votes before the campaign.

President Biden probably will not complete his current term of 4 years. Kamala Harris is going to check the blocks and be the second POC and the first female President of the United States. Her policies will be excoriated by the right and the left will defend their socialist agenda with passion. She will be defeated soundly. By anyone.

The current President is placing the Democrats in an untenable (def: not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection) situation. They are damned if they keep him in office and they are damned if they replace him.

Meanwhile, Trump is free to observe from a distance and keep half the US (world?) in abject (def: experienced or present to the maximum degree) fear.

For the country, the US is forced to watch a dramedy created by political and media elite that don’t give two sheets about the day-to-day problems of the US population. So we watch, unable to stop the inevitable train wreck we all know is coming.

PS, Here is just one news story post Biden Summit. Link: America’s global image under Biden skyrockets compared to Trump, survey finds ( Doesn’t say Biden did well, just claims “global image…skyrockets compared to Trump”. The EU and NATO allies don’t have to pay, well, for anything as Trump wanted. Russia gets their pipeline to get Euro’s and control of energy, but Biden improved America’s global image. This is called shaping the narrative. It will continue for as long as possible.

Uncle Mike
