Questions on China

Questions on China

Commentary by Uncle Mike

Dear Congress,

As a concerned citizen, I have many questions on China. Fairly certain that a common citizen my questions go unanswered, so I propose you ask these questions. Apparently the US has an intelligence asset that has left China and defected to the US. The strange thing is, he may have turned himself into the Defense Intelligence Agency? There are other questions to ask China as well.

First let’s start with Dong Jingwei. Does the USA have this intelligence asset from China? If so, did he turn himself over to the DIA? If he did, why not the FBI or CIA? Does Mr. Dong know something about people at the top of those organizations that made him cautious of working with them? Does Dong know anything about the following areas:

Chinese exploration of the dark side of the moon and their intent?

What does he know about the Wuhan lab and what they were experimenting with?

Did the US participate in “gain of function” activities?

Did the US help pay for this?

What was the Chinese intent with the virus?

Is it targeted towards any race?

China also has made impressive advances in space. In particular, placing explorers on the far side of the moon. The current exploration is apparently oriented on mining the moon.  Here are a few other questions:

What are they mining for?

Will other countries reap the benefits of Chinese mining on the moon?

Is there any intention to use the moon as a space port for further exploration of space?

Will the use of the moon be strictly for Chinese exploitation?

Does China have intentions to militarize the moon?

History has proven that with exploration for commercial intent, expansion leads to military operations to protect commercial benefits for the nation of corporation efforts. (See the Dutch West Indies Corporation for one such effort). If the moon is used for commercial purposes, it is only a matter of time until Chinese military intentions are applied.

In 2010 during the Obama Presidency, US CIA assets in China were “dismantiled”. The New York Times even wrote an article on it. “Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations”, By Mark Mazzetti, Adam Goldman, Michael S. Schmidt and Matt Apuzzo (May 20, 2017). Here is the opening line from the NY Times article:

“The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.” -New York Times

Does Dong know what happened when the US spies were killed years ago?

Does he know who the source was that provided the information to have our spies terminated?

Does he know where PRC spies are inside the US?

Does he know of Chinese spies working inside the US government?

What does he know about the US government relationship to Chinese communist leadership?

Does he know if the FBI or CIA are compromised?

Does he have any insight into relationships between those organizations and the PRC government?

Recently a Chinese General, Sun Guangxin who is a huge land owner in China, used a company in the US to purchase 9 ranches about 200 miles northwest of San Antonio to establish a ‘Wind Farm’. This wind farm wants to use 700 foot tall windmills and hook into the Texas Power Grid. The Texas legislature has established laws to prevent sales of Texas land to China, Russia, Iran or North Korea. Here is a link to Texas lawfare actions: Chinese billionaire’s Texas wind farm hits legislative stumbling block | Taiwan News | 2021-05-01 11:47:00

Here is a link to news coverage on this event: Land bought by former member of Chinese army near Del Rio Base raises red flag in D.C. | KABB ( More questions for China:

Does Chinese General Sun, who used Chinese money to purchase 9 ranches close to a US Air Force Base, approximately 200,000 acres of land with a 5000 foot runway actually intend on developing a wind farm?

Is Mr. Dong aware as to whether there are nefarious purposes of the general and his company?

Is this Wind Farm company (where there isn’t much wind!) just a front for PRC foothold inside the USA?

Is the runway being expanded?

Is there any agreement between China and Mexican cartel members?

Were there any US congressmen that were aware of the sale?

Did any congressmen receive any campaign donations from the Blue Hills Wind Farm?

This land purchase seems to have some of the same characteristics of a certain sale (Uranium One controversy – Wikipedia) that never was investigated properly, but was approved without announcement of the activity or the intent. Only, no ‘quid pro quo’ was found. Did we ever find out who approved that? How do these things seem to happen without the people knowing they are happening until after the fact. Then, of course, no “evidence” is the result.

The left still doesn’t understand why Hillary Clinton wasn’t elected in 2016. Events like this and email disappearances are why there was a riot on 1/6.

There is a move in play where US citizens are banding together to seek an option to sue China for Covid. Currently China has 1.4 billion worth of treasury securities in their possession. They are in the process of selling these assets off as quickly as possible. Is it possible the US government could take control of those assets and distribute them to US citizens to pay for the lawsuit?

China just completed celebrating 100 years of communism. There are too many questions that must be asked to Chairman Xi and the Communist in China before they can be viewed as a beneficial global player. As it stands today, the planet will not survive their rule.

Uncle Mike
