NQRNews HL for 28 July: Hunter Biden Living Large, Iran Internal Issues?

NQRNews HL for 28 July: Hunter Biden Living Large, Iran Internal Issues?

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Hunter Biden apparently has a Chinese affiliated art ‘sugar-daddy’. We don’t know for sure because the most transparent administration in the history of transparent administrations says so. Somehow, Hunter van Go-get-da-cash is rolling in the bitcoin. Here is a story on where he crashes now:

Report: Artist Hunter Biden Living in 3,000 square foot Malibu Home (breitbart.com)

Finger painting pays great when your Dad’s the President. Can’t look at how the votes were counted, so why should the American people know who’s paying for Hunter’s paintings? Transparency my arse…

Here are some other news highlights for 28 July:

Diplomacy News:

Iran having internal issues?:

State Department monitoring internet outages in Iran amid protests | TheHill

Information news:

Republican Governors living in the real world of COVID:

“Not Grounded In Reality”: Many Republican Governors Make Clear They Will Not Be Mandating Masks Or Vaccines | ZeroHedge

Military News:

Some weapons porn for you doomsayer’s:

China to attach terrifying LASER GUN to hypersonic missiles to make them even faster by blasting path through the air (the-sun.com)


This will put a screeching halt to any economic recovery:

Will interest rates rise? US Federal Reserve debates this week. – CSMonitor.com

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Have a great day!

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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