NQRNews HLs for 12 Aug. Taliban Terror. Diplomats search for Solution

NQRNews HLs for 12 Aug. Taliban Terror. Diplomats search for Solution

(Taliban image from AP)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Yesterday NQRNews highlighted the Taliban Troubles, so today we have the US administration countering the Flail-Ex with the deployment of about 3000 troops.

US official: US troops to help evacuate embassy in Kabul (militarytimes.com)

Must be some newbies left that do not have a ‘combat infantry badge’. Truth be told, it’s way more than 3,000. (See below).

Here is how Sky News reports it:

Afghanistan: UK to deploy 600 troops to help evacuate Britons as Taliban advance | UK News | Sky News

And one more:

Afghanistan: Twenty years on, Sky’s Stuart Ramsay returns to the scene of a crisis happening all over again | World News | Sky News

More stories on this fiasco below. It might be a bit early to say, but IMO without US and Allied troops, Kabul will fall in 30 days. Even with the token force, the troops are a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 12 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

Biden pulling OUT (pun intended) all the stops:

US Embassy urges Americans to leave Afghanistan immediately | TheHill

Information news:

Obama throws a superspreader bash with no masks, but lots of pot because his posse is sophisticated(?). Seriously. That’s how the media described them so they could have a party without masks while the peasant children wear masks to school. Democrats, thy name is HYPOCRITE. Meanwhile on the southern border, ILLEGAL immigrants are bringing in COVID and refusing the vaccination by the thousands. THEN, getting bus or plane rides, at US taxpayer expense, to places like Dallas, Houston and (hell, why not) Abilene. Nobody in Texas voted for this crap.

40% Of Bused-In Migrants Covid-Positive — While Biden Admin Using Texas Airport To Disperse Illegals Throughout U.S. | ZeroHedge

Military News:

This is how you do it. You have your ‘spokesperson/woman/she/her’come out and explain the 3000 troops deploying. Then you keep the reporters as much in the dark as you can by using troops from the surrounding areas and AF and Naval Aviation assets to actually use from 8K to 10K troops to keep the diplomats from total failure on a grand scale while they talk big to a bunch of religious cultish  drug runners rape, pillage and burn their way through a population that can’t defend itself because it’s military rolled over. Thousands of Americans and their allies fought for 20 years for you Afghanistan. For what? So they can quit? Ask for a plane ride to anywhere? Somebody needs to tell the Afghan defense forces that the Taliban is executing the ones that surrender:

About 8,000 US troops are deploying to secure evacuations from Kabul (militarytimes.com)


On a lighter note. I am down for a 4 day workweek:

Why a four-day work week could become the new normal – CSMonitor.com

In the “More News” section you will numerous articles and updates on COVID. Most of it, is not good.

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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