NQRNews HLs for 21 SEP: President Biden Gives the UN Unicorns & Dollars

NQRNews HLs for 21 SEP: President Biden Gives the UN Unicorns & Dollars

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

President Biden went to NY today to try and explain what the hell he’s doing to the planet. By all media accounts, it was a fantastic visit to the political orgasmitron. JB hit the UN with all he could muster before his nap and gave a rousing speech that had all the UN pols sitting up in their seats, faces covered with diapers, scratching their collective heads thinking, “I thought I understood English”!

President Biden didn’t quite apologize to the UN for Trump, but that was the summation of what he had to offer. “Come on, Man. I ain’t Trump.” All he needed to add was why aren’t you bastards clapping for me?!

Where to start. The US border doesn’t exist, and the people Joe has responsible for it are completely failing. Will the US press report it, no. His decision to abandon Afghanistan left thousands of people under Taliban rule and US Allies wondering how much they can count on him. Did the press report on it? No. Joe ended the war in Afghanistan. (He completely failed the withdrawal, but hey, he’s the best president the US media can write about). Joe’s team left the Taliban enough military hardware to make them the third largest military on the sub-continent. Not a peep from the media. There is a 22-year-old blonde woman that was murdered last week which has the media in a frenzy. Any reports on the black kids shot in Chicago last weekend. Media crickets. Joe is begging congressmen to please pass another $3.5TRILLION for “Human Infrastructure” … like… jobs? The US has over 10 million jobs available today. This administration is paying millions of American’s to sit on their couch and bitch on Twitter.

Let’s mention for a second his Republican opposition. First he has hundreds of J6ers in political prison, dozens without charges and being treated worse than the Gitmo Shitmo’s. Now, President “unifier” claims Red States are getting more than their share of therapeutics to counter COVID. States that want to use them for people that don’t want the vaccination. People that want to use HCQ or Ivermectin to alleviate serious symptoms of COVID. The great unifier’s reply; no. We’re going to take that option away and make sure it is “evenly distributed”. Why aren’t the therapeutics, that we’ve seen work in other countries not a readily available option to the vaccine. Does Joe Biden want his political opposition to be killed by COVID? Is he preventing medical treatment to people in America because of politics? Oh, hell, yeah. You need to search the www. to find stories like this:

I take no pleasure in being right – American Thinker

Or this:

Is the Biden Administration Trying to Murder Its Opponents? – American Thinker

A valid observation, yes?

The US media had the audacity to publish a poll showing Joe Biden had a 50% approval rate. If you believe that, you’re probably a Taliban. Bet that approval rate is even higher in Kabul.

Remember, no mean tweets.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 22 SEP.


It would be nice if the President would reassure American’s that the country is safe, prosperous and free. But, no he’s got some ice cream to eat after defending US at the un:

The Memo: Biden seeks to reassure aggrieved allies | TheHill


Wonder if their president has all the ‘insurrectionist’ in political prison yet? Sudan’s very own coup was a real event:

Sudan leaders say attempted coup was thwarted | TheHill


Nobody believes that this administration is transparent:

Lawmakers press for more answers on Afghanistan exit ahead of major public inquiry (militarytimes.com)


What the bloody hell? Where is this clown gonna get the money from?! I don’t see him skippin’ his ice cream cone!?!:

US to double climate change finance to poorer countries, Biden tells United Nations | Climate News | Sky News

You can’t possibly believe how much the global 1% wants to keep people out of crypto. BUT, they also don’t want you to use cash because they can’t track that either! Credit cards folks! That’s all they want you to use so they can track your life:

Crypto Crashes As SEC/OCC Warn Of ‘Reckoning’, Question “Long-Term Viability” Of Private Forms Of Money | ZeroHedge

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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