NQRNews HLs for 28 SEP: Biden Administration Trust Under Scrutiny

NQRNews HLs for 28 SEP: Biden Administration Trust Under Scrutiny

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

This is an opinion. Take it for what it’s worth. Or don’t.

I didn’t really watch the testimony on capital hill today as the circus came to DC. From what I’ve heard, it was to be expected. Most answers by SECDEF Austin, General Milley and the CENTCOM CDR “I tried to tell them” McKenzie, the responses were “as I said in my opening remarks” or their canned ‘dancing with the general stars’ game show replies waved off as unimportant now. I was waiting for Hillary Clinton to show and scream “what difference, at this point, does it make!?”.

It makes a ton of difference. The ripples of this military failure, diplomatic failure and personal failure of the sitting President of the United States have created questions not just by the American public, and by our allies and even within the military as to what trust can be place in the USA to uphold promises. Promises to friends across the globe (BBC, Sky News, etc.) that continue to report truth to power about the complete debacle that was the responsibility of the men questioned today by congress. Their collective responses are found to be inadequate.

This leads to some other questions that need to be answered. These questions are summed up nicely in the following article:

Disaster by incompetence or by design? – American Thinker

Paul Dunlop’s article asks whether this failure of the Democratic administration is incompetence or failure by design. Tough question. Here is a pull from the article:

                “Whatever the reasons, you can be sure these characters do nothing by accident.  While we can’t rule out an element of incompetence, it seems clear that they are on a full-throttle ride to make this country unrecognizable before the 2022 midterms.  COVID restrictions, the southern border crisis, inflation, election fraud, trillion-dollar budgets, Afghanistan, capitulation to China and Russia…all are going according to plan.”-Paul Dunlop

Valid question? The actions of the Biden White House, collectively taken, present incompetence or extreme success at failure. To what purpose, only the President’s handlers know. The world gets gobbledy-gook from Press Secretary Psucki, song and dance replies by the National Defense leaders and presents a Secretary of State that couldn’t find Afghanistan on a map if he started in Iran.

The deplorable’s understand why you had to get rid of Trump but was the intent by selecting Biden to destroy not just the democratic party, but the entire country in the process? We are only 8 months into this administration. I don’t see how Kamala Harris could possibly do any worse.

This doesn’t even touch on the current financial fiasco Nancy Pelosi is trying to keep under wraps this week in congress:

Chaos On The Hill: Progressives Threaten To Nuke Infrastructure Deal, Schumer Blows Gasket Over Reconciliation, McConnell Smug | ZeroHedge

All Mitch McConnell has to do to be successful, is nothing. He’s damn good at that.

Execute that 25th Amendment Madam Speaker. What are you waiting for?

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 28 SEP.


Trump pretty much asked you to do it for 4 years! He wanted the EU to step up, especially militarily. Now about that Russia natural gas that Putin turned off yesterday… :

Macron says Europe must assert independence from US | TheHill


Never underestimate Texas Democrats inability to comprehend what’s going on. It should definitely cost them at the polls, but remember, the Texas GOP are racists, right? They also are not responsible for the chaos on the border. The Federal Democrat Party is 100% the cause of this mess:

Will Biden’s Border Crisis Cost Democrats Texas Seats? | ZeroHedge


This coming from the General that is trying to understand ‘white rage’, but has no idea how much money or equipment the DoD left in the hands of the Taliban. His excuse is, he hasn’t read any of the three books that quote him. He had the audacity to infer he is not politically motivated:

Milley denies working to undermine Trump or civilian control of the military (militarytimes.com)

An excellent question posed by Senator Cotton:

Tense Exchange As Tom Cotton Asks Gen. Milley: “Why Haven’t You Resigned?” | ZeroHedge


I put this article in the economics section because if this happens, nobody is going to the bank. Get chickens asap:

China’s EMP missile would plunge cities into darkness – Asia Times

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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