NQRNews for 24 NOV: Happy Thanksgiving! We Deserve it!

NQRNews for 24 NOV: Happy Thanksgiving! We Deserve it!

(Cartoon by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Happy Thanksgiving Eve NQRNews Readers! Here is hoping that your plates are full, with none of that cranberry sauce, but the real food! Apparently the US President is in good enough health that he can go to some millionaire’s house and celebrate the holiday. The bad news is, we still pay for his travel and trip with our tax money. He has freed a turkey I heard. Apparently, he looked in the mirror to find it!

On the more serious side, I hope this note finds you and yours healthy and able to get together for the holidays. We are living in a world where it gets harder and harder every day to enjoy the little things in life. Government overreach, financial crises, war, pestilence, and famine are all a part of our revolving planet. All the talk about ‘climate change’ won’t do a damn thing to change that.

I encourage you all to support the concept of one race. The human race. We are all on this marble together. Every little thing you do in your personal sphere of influence to make the marble better, I for one, appreciate it! From recycling trash to saying, “Thank you”, to any person still willing to wait a table or cook your food. Know and understand, it all helps to make it a better world. It may seem like no one notices, and it may never be! But it is appreciated by me.

Thank you, gang.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 24 NOV.


Next EU leader to laugh at Joe Biden is Olaf Scholz! Come on down:

Olaf Scholz to succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor | TheHill


McMichael’s didn’t stand a chance after the Rittenhouse verdict. Not that there was any doubt in the Georgia case:

Arbery Jury Declares All 3 Defendants Guilty Of Murder In Racially Charged Case | ZeroHedge

What is the purpose of masks and vaccines if they don’t work? You wear mask, take the vaccine and you still get it. Then some non-doctor virtue signals you on social media to call you selfish and wishes death upon you and all your eggs or sperm! Do your research, do what you feel is right and I wish you luck fighting not just COVID, but the people in charge that are destroying global freedom:

WHO recommends masks, distancing for vaccinated amid virus surge in Europe | TheHill

Understand the role of chip making (not potato, but micro) has in current global dynamics. China wants Taiwan. Taiwan makes 80% of the GLOBEs’ chips. The USA has TWO chip making plants being built (perhaps they anticipate China’s invasion of Taiwan in the very near future?). Now Russia, “demands” foreign ‘tech’ companies open offices in Russia?! Nope:

Russia demands foreign tech companies open offices in the country or face sanctions | Science & Tech News | Sky News


Just a coincidence after Oklahoma said, “NO” to COVID shots? DOD/Pentagon trying anyway possible to marginalize National Guard (state militias?) that stray off the administration playbook:

Why the Marine Corps wants to tank National Guard recruiting efforts (marinecorpstimes.com)


Taliban gotta make dat money somehow! Wonder if the “big guy” is getting his 10%?:

Taliban turning Afghanistan into narco-terrorist state | The Japan Times

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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