NQRNews for 20 Jan: Biden Presser Creates Ukraine Pressure

NQRNews for 20 Jan: Biden Presser Creates Ukraine Pressure

(Image by Sky News UK C-17 Heading for Ukraine)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

President Biden held his first press conference after a year in office. The single word that best sums it up is: long. The two hour presser was only ‘long’ because of pauses to find words, moments of reflection and self-congratulations Biden afforded himself. Most of the media was tickled pink that he didn’t fall down and claimed he showed he wasn’t suffering from dementia. (Phew! Safe from Kamala for another year!).

After it was over, and the back slapping and handshaking was done, the President’s handlers were sent out to explain what he ‘meant to say’. Especially with regards to the apparent green light he gave Putin to invade Ukraine. The comment seems to have NATO and Eastern Europe scrambling.

U.S. rushes weapons into Ukraine as Biden predicts a Russian invasion (msn.com)

And this:

US boosts military aid to Ukraine as Russia tensions soar (militarytimes.com)

The President indicated preventing Russian use of SWIFT financing would be the harshest form of sanctions ever put on Russia. IMO this sanction won’t harm Russia in any way. They are selling gas and energy to a freezing Europe. Europe will pay Russia in gold if they have to. (Pretty sure it won’t be Bitcoin!). Russia is looking for anyway possible to have the dollar lose influence. If they don’t have to use it, they will find workarounds, most definitely with Chinese assistance.

To think anything President Biden put out yesterday in any way is positive for the US is to be deceived. The US is fortunate that two Democrat Senators (Manchin and Sinema) had the courage to save the filibuster and prevent the Federal takeover of US elections.

In fact, the Federalism of the US government is what is saving the US from being overtaken by a Democrat Party that has only the slimmest possible margin, while acting like they have a mandate to oppose anything the people want.

The politics of the US system are a pendulum. It swings back and forth. The overreach by the current administration will be met with a pendulum swing back to the right. The only question is how far.

The more the voters see of Biden and Harris, the further to the right the voters will go in November.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 20 January 2022:


Friends like these(?):

US sanctions four Ukrainians for aiding Russian influence operations | TheHill


Where are the therapeutics for vaxxers as well as un-vaxxers?:

The Experts’ “Zero-COVID” Plan Was A Total Failure | ZeroHedge

Volcano near Tonga 600 TIMES more powerful than a nuke. Yet, the powers that be think man can prevent climate change. It’s a really big planet. Man is ‘not the boss’ of it:

Volcanic Eruption Was 600 Times More Powerful Than Hiroshima, Many Tongans Went Deaf During Explosion | ZeroHedge


The Brits heard what Biden said:

Russia invasion fears as Britain sends 2,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine | World News | Sky News


A different Chine$e virus:

As China slows, Asia gets the shudders – Asia Times

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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