NQRNews for 27 Jan: Bidens’ Bad Week Continue’s

NQRNews for 27 Jan: Bidens’ Bad Week Continue’s

(Image by Getty Images)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

The US media is quick to spark what a great week Joe Biden is having because he can now nominate a black female to be in the SCOTUS. They failed to report that none of the problems from last week have been fixed. In fact, another one popped up again this week:

North Korea sparks US condemnation with latest missile launch | TheHill

With Russian’s prepping for a ‘blitzkrieg’ type attack on the Ukraine, China poised to invade Taiwan, and an increasingly belligerent NATO, Kim Jong Un keeps shooting missiles into the Sea of JAPAN (yeah, I said Sea of JAPAN). We can also add in the mix for the Biden administration: the inability to get laws passed due to democrat party overreach, inflation that is seeing levels not seen in decades and a military that is showing cracks due to an embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan, leadership focused on social issues and searches for white supremacists lurking in every barracks (but not defending the nation or addressing the high numbers of suicides), and a national debt that is set to climb above $30TRILLION (U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (usdebtclock.org) . A once believed to be unthinkable plateau, but today a goal to be gained by both political parties and the District of Columbia leaders. ‘We can’t have fiscal discipline, there are votes to be bought’. Who can blame North Korea for taking advantage of the US with the current leadership the US has.

Yes, Joe Bidens’ presidential plate is full and there is little thought that anything positive will to clean it up.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 27 January 2022:


“Zero COVID” is a pipe dream:

US, China in an undiplomatic ‘zero-Covid’ kerfuffle – Asia Times

Poland getting experience. When they’re done, maybe they can come to the US:

Poland begins construction of wall at border with Belarus | TheHill


Perhaps the breaking up of NATO would appease the Kremlin? Germany provides ‘helmuts’? US provides ‘lethal’ aid? What is the point if there isn’t unity of effort?:

Appeasing Putin on Ukraine may be the only option | The Japan Times


A baby step in the right direction:

DoD is pausing civilian COVID vaccine mandate after court ruling (militarytimes.com)


Do you believe this? What’s the Russian spelling of Jen Psaki?:

Ruble, Russian Markets Rebound As Foreign Ministry Says War With Ukraine “Unthinkable”  | ZeroHedge

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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