NQRNews for 15 Feb: Durham Drops Probe Results on Trumpgate

NQRNews for 15 Feb: Durham Drops Probe Results on Trumpgate

(A C-130 captures an X-61 Gremlin drone for the first time in midair during a flight test by DARPA at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah on Oct. 29, 2021. Experiments with deploying and recovering drones in midair by DARPA and other organizations could help the Air Force one day field swarms of autonomous drones alongside manned aircraft in war. (U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency))

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Hi Gang! Was sent the article here on the John Durham probe. It is basically an expose on the “4th Branch” of the US government. That branch is the intelligence community and what they do, how they function and this has the ‘players’ involved in Trumpgate. It is a long read, but worth your time if you are unaware of the investigation or may have missed some of the details:

The Surveillance and Political Spying Operations Highlighted by John Durham are the Tip of the Iceberg – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)

I will leave it for you all to ascertain what the writers are revealing. It is eye opening.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 15 Feb 2022:


Is Russia pulling back or is the cyber attack the first wave?:

Ukraine Defense Ministry, banks hit by cyberattack amid tensions with Russia | TheHill

Meanwhile, China waits to see if Biden can pull a diplomatic rabbit from his old hat:

Japan: China watching for response to any Russian invasion of Ukraine | TheHill

The Biden Administration desperately needs a win in the Ukraine. If they do win and Russia pulls out, what concessions did Biden’s team offer? Does NATO/EU know? China will undoubtedly make decisions based on how the Russia/Ukraine situation plays out.


Jake Sullilvan, just like Hillary will never wear an orange jumpsuit:

When Will Jake Sullivan – Biden’s National Security Advisor – Be Indicted For Russiagate Lies? | ZeroHedge


Great article here on future warfare:

How autonomous wingmen will help fighter pilots in the next war (defensenews.com)


As Biden stops US energy/oil industry operations from day 1, Russia and China make Billion-dollar deal$. Preventing the US oil industry from producing oil does nothing to lower pollution. In fact, letting these two countries produce oil will increase the amount of pollution on the planet:

Russia And China Inked Huge Oil Deals Amid Soaring Ukraine Tensions | ZeroHedge

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com


Uncle Mike

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