NQRNews for 2 Mar Twofer: SOTU and Ukrainian Defense Articles

NQRNews for 2 Mar Twofer: SOTU and Ukrainian Defense Articles


Overview shows portion of a Russian military convoy and burning homes northwest of Ivankiv, Ukraine, Feb. 28, 2022. (Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

The SOTU is over without any indications of improved “union”. There was no olive branch extended by Biden toward the Republicans, so 50% of the US is unhappy with the speech. It is entirely possible that the majority of that 50% are democrats.

I watched a basketball game last night as an option to the SOTU. No regrets there. After the game was over, I reluctantly switched to the SOTU. Managed to catch the last 10 minutes. What I watched (the actual speech went unheard as I was subjected to watching the distraction of Nancy Pelosi standing up with a “Joker” like smile and rubbing her fist together) was a bulletized list of the US Presidents’ dreams. I was unable to listen as I spent 10 minutes wondering what the hell was wrong with Pelosi! She was such a distraction, I almost called 911. I didn’t even have a chance to wonder what the hell was Biden talking about.

The best takeaway from the SOTU was there were no masks in the audience. Congress felt safe enough to go into a huge room and not wear masks. They did safe distance in their seating arrangements, so we will fortunately not have our congressional reps get a COVID cold from sitting in the SOTU audience.

On to more important issues. Kyiv is under siege. What is more troubling to me, it appears Putin used a Thermobaric (vacuum) bomb on an urban population. Not just that device, but apparently cluster munitions were used as well:

Vacuum bombs, thermobaric rockets, and nukes: Putin’s devastating arsenal | Washington Examiner

The world has observed Ukrainian freedom fighters hold out for 7 days now and there are cracks in the Russia military. Putin has lied to his own troops by not telling them they were going to battle, not an exercise. The troops are surrendering, his vehicle columns are running out of gas and food, and the morale is plummeting. The Russian people are getting the word due to both the internet and the troops using their cell phones to call relatives and explain how they were lied to. Putin is disappointed enough in the performance of his forces that he has hired mercenaries to assassinate Zelensky. So far, this insane tactic has failed. If Putin succeeds in assassinating Zelensky, he will make the Ukrainian President a martyr for defenders to unite against. Not to mention have the Ukrainian survivors (there are always survivors especially now with social media and the internet) establish their own attempts to assassinate Putin.

At home, Putin has numerous problems primarily in the economic areas. As run-on banks have popped up, videos of opposition protest voicing their unhappiness have leaked out, and the Russian stock market has not opened this week. In the UK:

Russian Stocks Devastated In London As Moscow Exchange Remains Closed | ZeroHedge

There are indications the Russian bankers are concerned their market could collapse if it opens. Putin’s rich oligarch friends are finding cold shoulders from western countries that are doing as much as possible to inflict financial pain on Putin’s inner circle.

There are two countries supporting Putin. One is Belarus. Their financial apparatus is tied to Russia, and they are dependent on Putin for survival. They have tied their wagons to Putin. That said, they have been quick to say they have NOT provided troops to the attack.

The other country is China. China uses Russia for energy resources to keep 1.3 Billion people from toppling the communists. They are geographically south of Siberia and receive Billion$ in oil and gas. They have voiced support for Putin carefully but have sided with the aggressor in this conflict. Understand the purpose is they are watching to see how the west handles Putin, what mistakes are made, and use lessons learned to see how they can prepare better to invade Taiwan.

A question for you readers. After the Biden administration’s (mis)handling of Afghanistan, and the (mis)handling of Putin’s Ukrainian invasion, would a Chinese invasion of Taiwan be the proverbial “third strike” that puts Biden out of the White House?

Get out the popcorn gang. More drama hitting the internet soon.

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 2 March 2022:


Hey, the UN actually did someth….. Nope. They passed a resolution…. :

UN passes resolution condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine | TheHill


The real question is what collapses first; Zelensky and the Ukrainian Defenders, or the Russian economy:

70% Of Russian Crude Trade Is Frozen As Surgut Again Fails To Sell Any Urals In Big Tenders | ZeroHedge


If these numbers are what is actually reported, imagine the real calls for “Cargo 200”:

Ukraine invasion: Russia claims 498 of its troops killed and 1,597 wounded in first admission of casualties | World News | Sky News


There truly is a global effort to economically crush Putin:

Russian Stocks Devastated In London As Moscow Exchange Remains Closed | ZeroHedge

Toyota suspends Russia plant and joins Honda in halting exports | The Japan Times

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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