NQRNews for 31 Mar: Hunter Biden Laptop, Second Time Around

NQRNews for 31 Mar: Hunter Biden Laptop, Second Time Around

(image ZH)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

If you are trying to keep track of the news, you are probably getting inundated with Putin news today. He is demanding that purchasers of his (Russia’s) oil and gas pay for it with rubles. Dear Europe; please use dollars so you don’t live in the dark, walk to work and keep Joe Biden as president of the not-so United States. Putin is also responding to US Intelligence (the same people that signed a document verifying the Russian hoax) which is claiming his advisors and military generals are refusing to tell him the truth.

The other news you will hear is that Joe Biden is allowing 1 Million barrels of oil from the strategic petroleum reserves everyday for 180 days. This in hoping that the release will drop the price of gas until the day after the midterms so he can try to keep power in congress. Not only is it a stretch to believe this will work, it is another strategically inept decision that places the USA in a bad situation if those reserves are necessary for say… a larger European conflict with Russia or China’s invasion of Taiwan.

The story I am watching most is being buried by the media. Again. Hunter Biden’s laptop was a story (that wasn’t) right before the 2020 election. The US media chose not to report it so Joe Biden had enough cover to drag his non campaigning butt across the election day finish line. The laptop has incriminating and probably criminal evidence on it that puts the Biden family directly in the crosshairs of an investigation for nefarious activity. This information was covered up by the US media to prevent Don Trump’s re-election. Jump forward to today and you have the “Hunter Biden laptop from hell” back in the news:

Two Hunter Biden Associates Testified Before Grand Jury About PLA-Linked Chinese Company | ZeroHedge

I do not believe the democrats will be able to cover up the contents of the laptop. No matter how many democrats are married to or sleeping with that work for national US news outlets, the information is going to come out.

The results, again my opinion, there will be nothing that happens to Hunter Biden. There are 2, maybe 3 justice systems in America. You have an elitists class; politicians, rich 1%ers, democrat donors to foundations, and DC, LA, NYC influencers in the news. Then you have a privileged class; celebrities that can assault other celebrities, celebrities that can commit a fake hate crime, BIPOCs that cross the border illegally, and those criminals that get off nearly free of charges for possessing child pornography. Finally, there is the rest of America that gets the maximum sentence for (in some cases) committing misdemeanor trespassing and serving time as a felon. Without charges I might add.

Hunter Biden will walk. The laptop will not be allowed (probably lost in FBI custody) to be presented in any investigation. He is the son of a democrat president. He is beyond questioning. He is the smartest man the president of the USA knows. People are so afraid of losing Biden’s WH occupation to Don Trump they want everything possible to be done to prevent Biden’s exodus.

Why? The USA can’t have Biden fail. The democrats know they can’t have Kamala Harris take over the presidency less America finds out how bad she would be. If she takes Bidens’ job, there is no way she will ever get elected in 2024 and the GOP sweeps into power in 2024. Yet, the information on Hunters’ laptop is coming out. Major newspapers are acknowledging the laptop and the incriminating evidence it contains. They need to report it now, before it gets to close to November when more people tune in to the news and the people running for government positions.

This makes it even more important, especially in swing states to get the vote campaigns to sign up people that need to be heard in congress. We are 8 months out from having a new, people represented congress, that will fight to prevent Biden policies; open borders, record inflation and foreign policy blunders, from continuing.

Check with the people in your bubble. Are they registered? Do they understand what is happening? Do they know how to make it stop? Do they read “not quite right news”?

Get involved folks. Share the news. Know what’s happening. If you don’t like what’s happening, the best thing you can do is vote for the GOP to stop the disastrous Biden presidency in November. Vote like your life depends upon it.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 31 March 2022:


Kind of like oil sanctions for Europe:

Putin Signs Decree Ordering Gas Exports To Be Halted If Buyers Don’t Pay In Rubles | ZeroHedge


You would think Japan would ask the US for support:

Japan rules out withdrawal from joint Russia gas project | The Japan Times


The US Navy wants millions for a “secretive Project Overmatch” for improving network and data capabilities. Guess it’s not really that secretive if there is an article about it:

Navy dramatically increases funding for secretive Project Overmatch (c4isrnet.com)

More importantly, the trailer for the new Top Gun movie is out! Spoiler alert: Maverick isn’t flying against the Chinese or the Russians. Hmm. Wonder why? Perhaps Hollywood wants to keep that Chinese check showing up. Why not Russia? Wouldn’t want to have to really get involved in a cinematic WW III, right?

Latest ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ trailer reveals its big bad enemy (airforcetimes.com)


Bad enough the Russians want oil paid for with Rubles, but now China wants to get paid with Yuan. Hello, US dollar, your ‘to-go’ order is in:

China courts Islamic world in ‘oil-for-yuan’ push – Asia Times

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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