NQRNews for 1 April: Nickel Market Not an April Fool’s Joke

NQRNews for 1 April: Nickel Market Not an April Fool’s Joke

(Getty images-Nickel Mining)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Starting last month around 8 March there was extreme price turbulence in the nickel market. Supply line issues, increased need, and scarcity in resources created the turbulence. The US government decided to do something about it. They intend to use the force of the government to control and manage supply of silver as it is needed for batteries in electric vehicles.

President Biden enacted Defense Production Act (sometimes called the War Powers act to bypass congress) to take control of the nickel market so that it can be diverted towards lithium batteries and electric vehicle production:

Joe Biden invokes Defense Production Act for EV batteries and clean energy – The Verge  

That announcement came on the 31st of March.

Let me take you back in time to 22 March. With the price peaking some investors made tremendous money from the nickel rally. People in the government with insight into congressional discussions, bills, laws, or direction get insider information that allows them to make money but not their constituents. With the government imposing its will on the nickel market and mining supply, some people made millions from the nickel market last month:

Nickel market turmoil spurring EV price hike, switch in battery chemistry: panel | S&P Global Commodity Insights (spglobal.com)

Let’s go back further in time. There was a “deal” on Uranium mining that was facilitated while Hillary Clinton was the SECSTATE and 0bama was president. The deal was done in 2010, when Bill Clinton received $500,000 from a Russian finance company about the time of the “deal”. Will we discover there were deals made (who makes money from the push to EVs?) to control the nickel market? Did someone in power lose millions from the nickel volatility? After all, the democrats in congress are pushing everyone and everything to solar, wind and batteries.

The “fact check” below doesn’t exonerate Clinton:

The Facts on Uranium One – FactCheck.org

This check back then was “mostly false”. Bullcrap! Look under today’s lens and the results need to be re-evaluated towards mostly true. Understand the question isn’t about Uranium leaving the US (note the use of the word “directly”), it is about who made how much money from the transactions? Serious questions need to be asked by congress about who made money from the uranium deal? Was the money to Bill ‘quid pro quo’ in expectation that Hillary would win?

The fact is Bill Clinton received half a million dollars for a ‘speech’ from Russians:

PolitiFact | Exaggerated post connects Clintons, Russia, uranium deal

This was the claim during the election, that Trump was in the pocket to Russia, when the facts indicate it was the Clinton’s stood to have the Russian’s lining their bank accounts. These Politifact checks were during the 0bama presidency and were never fully investigated. Hillary indicated they were looked into, and it was old news or debunked stories. Facts today indicate much more investigation needs to be done. Not just on the behavior of the Clinton’s in 2015, but the intent to manage the nickel market now.

We hear today from the Biden administration the American people must move to EV’s by 2030 thereby making billions from nickel mining and lithium batteries. You hear the congress and administration yelling everyone must buy a Tesla! Instead of a $30K gas guzzler, YOU, the American car owner needs to be buying a $60K electric vehicle that uses electricity which essentially comes from strip mines. How is this economically viable or environmentally friendly? Do you see the connection here?

This ‘deal making’ by America government without having to answer to congress or the American people is out of hand. The people in charge in DC do not have the American interest at heart. The average citizen in the US pays his/her/she/him taxes to a government that is running a rigged system where they get rich, and the people get poor.

The Administration is trying every way possible to have a ‘war’, without requiring US soldiers to fight it. The events on the battlefield have a way of not going according to plan or intent. Today we hear the Ukrainians attacked a fuel site in Russia. This is escalation. The people making decisions do NOT decide the direction of ‘war’. War goes its own direction without the planners inputs.

War equipment doesn’t run on solar. War equipment runs on fossil fuels. Joe Bidens’ handlers aren’t handling the EV path and certainly not the direction of the Russian invasion.

The current administration is in a perpetual April’s Fool Day mode. The joke stops in November.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 1 April 2022:


This doesn’t help one bit:

Insult Diplomacy: Does Biden’s Vilification Of Putin Help? | ZeroHedge


Don’t hold your breath:

Lawmakers Demand Hunter Biden’s Communications With Obama White House | ZeroHedge



Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Blow Up Fuel Depot On Russian Territory In “Daring Cross-Border Attack” | ZeroHedge


Russia and China continue to come for the dollar:

Russian gas still flowing to Europe despite deadline day for rouble payments arriving | Business News | Sky News

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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