NQRNews Highlights (or Lowlights?) for 25 JUN: Initiative Taken to Counter Chinese Aggression in the Pacific

NQRNews Highlights (or Lowlights?) for 25 JUN: Initiative Taken to Counter Chinese Aggression in the Pacific

(Military helicopters carrying large Taiwanese flags do flyby rehearsals in October 2021 amid escalating tensions between Taipei and Beijing. Photo: AFP / Ceng Shou Yi / NurPhoto)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

HI GANG! My apologies for not writing lately. I have been working on a couple fiction novels and that has occupied my spare time. That doesn’t mean the news has gotten any better! Here are some news highlights for 25 Jun 22. Without further ‘ado’, here are some ‘bullets to bite’ on:

The US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and even France have gotten together to take steps to support the ‘peoples of the Pacific’. But let’s be real. It is a step towards preparing for engagement against China as they attempt to control the world via their ‘belt and road initiative’. China is rapidly taking itself from the category of adversary to full fledged enemy specifically for their purchasing US politicians, stealing proprietary property from the western democracies, for ruining the NBA, for their constant threats to Taiwan, and of course their practice of slavery. Let’s hope this initiative succeeds in calming the Chinese leaderships thirst for world domination:

US, four others launch initiative aimed at supporting priorities of the Pacific islands | The Hill

The proper verdict on ROE v. WADE was accomplished by the SCOTUS yesterday. Here’s the take away. YOU CAN STILL GET AN ABORTION IN THE USA! The leftist pro-abortion crowd has tried everything to get the US population to join them in losing their collective minds over this. IMO, they have failed. Only the borg level ‘Antifa’ soros tools came out to join the abortion loving cretins. In the meantime we have the media begging people to hate the Supreme Court:

Gallup: Confidence In Supreme Court Hits ‘Historic Low’ | ZeroHedge

What’s more important to the population of planet earth? Not having to live paycheck to paycheck and pay exorbetent prices for gas. This appears to be a control issue with Joe ‘the bad biker’ Biden wanting to make sure automobiles (and the drivers?) are eliminated from the planet. News for Joe; winter is coming in November…:

The Gas Inflation Crisis Is Far From Over – Where Will Prices Finally Stop? | ZeroHedge

Other stories the J6 congressional trial is landing punches against Don Trump, but not enough. It isn’t fair, and is as worn out already as Liz Cheney’s hairdresser. Neither Liz not the J6 witchhunt matters to America. What matters is no baby formula, $10 a gallon gas, and no diesel to delivery products to store shelves.

On the War front, it’s nice to see Russia running out of artillery, troops, and ammo in their effort to assert Putins’ domination over the Ukraine. Here’s hoping the western nations military stockpiles found appropriate targets very soon.

One final thought on the domestic front. One of the recent mass shooters in the USA was a believer in the so called, “REPLACEMENT THEORY”. The belief is the southern border is allowing for people of color to enter the US for the purpose of replacing white people. I’m not certain that’s it. I think recent elections in the US of Hispanic candidates that are Republicans is what is in store for earth. The people coming from south and central America are leaving socialist and communist countries for the most part. They will soon discover if they vote Democrat they will soon live in the same environmental cesspool they escaped from instead of a Constitutional Republic. What is the “replacement” is actually or ole, rich, white democrats? The GOP is open for Hispanic business. I highly encourage latino’s to make the GOP their home in November.

That’s the update gang. Hopefully I can get you all some good news on the book front next month. I will try to write more. Stay safe. COVID is still a thing.

See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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Here are links to the top stories on the D. I. M. E. available at the NQRNews website:


I’m certain the actual handling of COVID by political leadership around the globe is many times worse than actual COVID:

The Great Crash Of 2022 | ZeroHedge


Cue the ‘climate change’ cult in 5… 4… 3… :

Japan records hottest June day ever amid energy squeeze | The Japan Times

A second helping of ‘climate control’ advocacy:

G7: Protesters at summit concerned fallout from Ukraine war is pushing climate down agenda | World News | Sky News

Human’s can NOT control the climate of earth. Yet.


I wonder if the lack of faith in the current leadership has anything to do with so many problems with the current force? Recruiting issues, suicides, anti-vaxxers, aviation crashes, renaming bases, CRT priorities over defending the country, pride parades instead of pride in country, and let’s not forget, the current folks ran away from angry goat herders and left enough equipment to arm the Taliban for a decade:

Marine Corps, Army report disproportionate substance abuse, mental health issues (militarytimes.com)

If you look at today’s current MILITARY NEWS section on NQRNews website, you will see multiple articles that cover the numerous problems in the US DOD that is the responsibility of the political leadership in the USA today.


Even the Japanese have taken note of Bidens’ domestic problems:

Japan records hottest June day ever amid energy squeeze | The Japan Times

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