Will Israel Be Alone?

Will Israel Be Alone?

By Uncle Mike

When I set up NQRNews, I focused our articles on the D.I.M.E.,or Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economics. I was very tempted to add an R for Religion. Billions of believers across the planet accept God. The problem comes when ‘man’ is put in the loop. In the Bible, the Book of Revelations is full of symbolism. As forces gather to wage war which culminates in Armageddon.

One of the signs of upcoming ‘End Times’ is when Israel stands alone. President Trump was an outspoken supporter of Israel. I never worried about Israel standing alone while DJT was the President. When interpreting the symbolism of Revelations, you don’t really see any mention of ‘The Eagle’, or any force that stands with Israel. Many people have questioned, where is the United States when Israel is tested?

I’ve often wondered why there is no image of the USA aiding Israel during Armageddon. Now I see the unraveling of the USA right before my eyes. Here at NQRNews, we’ve discussed the current financial crisis, we’ve discussed the 2020 vote results, and we’ve discussed the current state of the US military. Never in my life have I seen the US so divided over issues that are NON-ISSUES.

Enter Joe Biden. A President that is just as incapable as President Trump when it comes to unifying the country. The new administration wants to add $6 TRILLION worth of new debt. The US will become a debtor nation, incapable of paying back more than $30 Trillion in debt. The debt is driven by Washington politicians. The US military has become a social justice warrior experiment. The middle class is being squeezed out of existence. The Biden administration appears determined to start a war. Either with Russia in the Ukraine or staying in the middle east or South Asia. Conflicts the US cannot afford with a population that could care less about more conflict and the burden of COVID oppression.

The USA is no longer “United” on much of anything. There is no Team America. Only Team Red or Team Blue. Neither team can be; TEAM RED, WHITE, and BLUE.

The planet, led by Chinese Communist and Russian Oligarchs will not allow the old USA to lead. They are participants in causing the turmoil the US currently is undergoing by directing misinformation and disinformation across the internet. The world no longer views the USA as the way to live. No longer that shining city on a hill. The US is left with a choice between ‘Orangeman Bad’ and ‘Build Back Better Bullshit’. I cannot speak for anyone else, but I would just as soon have a whole new batch of politicians than what we have now. The US is left in a place where there is no consensus to do anything that requires common ground. There will be no compromise. History has thousands of stories of how this ends up.

I understand now why it may be possible for Israel to stand alone against radical Islam. It has been going on for centuries. It will not be fixed in our lifetimes. Any thought’s I may have entertained that the USA would always be there for Israel are being severely tested. Not by any external force, but by internal US forces that have been corrupted by greed, deception, and the lust of power. The unifying of the USA will not happen anytime soon. Israel may very well find themselves alone. That does not bode well for the planet.

If you are so inclined, please pray for US. It cannot hurt.

Uncle Mike

The Destruction Of Jerusalem And The Temple
Image: The Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, (1818). 19th century depiction of the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, during which the Second Temple was burned, and the Romans entered and sacked the Lower City. Artist Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/Getty Images)
