Military Commentary by Uncle Mike If you are a regular to NQRNews, you caught last weekends article dump on the status of the military. Guess
Author: Uncle Mike
NQRNews top Stories on the D.I.M.E. for 19 May 21
Dear readers. Here are the Top stories at NQRNews for 19 May, 2021. When you visit the website you will see stories on: Diplomacy:
NQRNews Top Stories on the D.I.M.E. for 18 May 21
Dear readers. Here are the Top stories at NQRNews for 18 May, 2021. When you visit the website you will see stories on: Diplomacy:
NQRNews Cartoon for 18 May 21 Cartoon for the day. Gorrell nails it again!
NQRNews Heads Up. Geomagnetic Storm Alert 18-19 May
Thanks for the heads up From Zero Hedge: Incoming Geomagnetic Storm Expected To Hit Earth Tuesday | ZeroHedge More in-depth information at —
Nobody Likes People That Cut in Line!
Commentary By Uncle Mike As I sit here with visions of 1976 flashing through my “Boomer Brain”, I am having flashbacks of raging stagflation, a
Top Stories at NQRNews for 17 May 21
Dear readers. Here are the Top stories at NQRNews for 17 May, 2021. When you visit the website you will see stories on: Diplomacy:
NQRNews Cartoon for 17 May 21
Children today learning about “GIGO”. Uncle Mike
NQRNews Top Economic Stories 16 May 21
Dear readers. Here are top Economic News articles for 16 May 21: Zero Hedge is THE leading website to get Financial and Economic news.
NQRNews Military Articles for 16 May 21
Dear readers. There are dozens of news articles this weekend on military activity. Here are a few highlights. You may not have heard that