Awakened by the CoW

Awakened by the CoW

Commentary By Uncle Mike, 24 May 21.

Howdy Readers! I have a new acronym for you. While visiting Johnny Silver Bear’s Silver Bear Café, I came upon an EXCELLENT article by Brandon Smith titled, “There Will Never Be A “Woke” US Military – Here Are The Reasons Why”. Here is the link: The Silver Bear Cafe.

Mr. Smith points out reasons why the USA will not have a federal military force that is woke. He describes the driving force for this change to be a “Cult of Woke”. Love it! Here is a takeaway:

                “The Cult of Woke is like a hive of parasitic termites that feeds its way through the various pillars of western society until they crumble; once a pillar is hollowed out, they move onto the next one, and the next one until the nation or civilization breaks apart completely. As the nation is destabilized, they then offer their own social model as a solution to the problem. Invariably, their model is one that eliminates all individual freedom and inherent rights in the name of collective “safety” and “equity”. It is totalitarianism posing as compassion.”  – Brandon Smith

As a military guy, of course you have to make ‘Cult of Woke’ an acronym; CoW. Perfect!

Mr. Smith’s article touches on many aspects you readers may have heard before. Just yesterday NQRNews reported on the stand against the CoW the ADF was taking.  (Australia Defence Forces “Not Pursuing a ‘Woke’ Agenda: DM Dutton – Not Quite Right News. On the 20th of May, you may have read my take on the CoW; We Don’t Need a “Woke” Military, We Need a Military That is AWAKE – Not Quite Right News.

This ad is against everything the military isn’t. The military is not about you, the recruit. The military will never be about “safe spaces”. And quite frankly, it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with diversity. You become a hammer, just like a million other hammers, searching for nails to crush. In basic training you are trained from the first minute to understand you are not an individual. You are a team member. You aren’t a color or race. You are red, white and blue. You and others like you have one job. That job is death. Keeping you and your countrymen (and women. My very own CoW moment…) alive and killing those that want to destroy your nation. That means protecting the LGBTQ and other alphabet robbers safe in their spaces.

The ad for “The Calling” is getting attention. As I write this, “The Calling” on YouTube has 4.2K thumbs up votes. It has 88,000 thumbs down. I am surprised the DOD hasn’t taken it down.

Mr. Smith’s article finishes with reasons why he believes the current military members will resist the CoW movement with enlightening perspective.

Some military members describe themselves as ‘shepherds’, protecting the sheep from the wolves. The woke movement has only created another animal for the shepherds to protect. CoWs are just larger sheep that the wolves still want to eat. The problem arises when the CoW fails to understand the shepherd.

Uncle Mike
