CRT is Critical of One Race

CRT is Critical of One Race

Commentary by Uncle Mike

Lots of information out there in the internet world about ‘Critical Race Theory’ or CRT. (Def: Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement of civil rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice).

To the point of this commentary, I am not a fan. In the words of Don Henley from his song, “Long Way Home”:

                “There’s three sides to every story, Baby. There’s yours and there’s mine and the cold, hard truth…”

These lyrics apply to more than a failing romance or our current political climate. CRT would have you believe that white people, as a collective group, especially the citizens of the US of A are ALL racists and ALL responsible for the entire spectrum of anger, hostility or poverty that blacks or people of color, not just in the US, but across the globe; are responsible for. This is the new ‘big lie’. If your political view that white people are racists is failing, just keep pushing it and soon the whole world will accept that lie.

Or side two is that white people are absolutely clean as the driven snow when it comes to racism. This comment does not stand the test of scrutiny either. Some folks choose to conjure racist demons from the fact that the US was at one time, up until 1865, a country that has slavery. The USA fought a WAR that cost over 700,000 lives in 4 years (plus another 300,000 in the three-year period after) to end slavery. One would think this should absolve the country of a racist tag. It does not.

Southern Democrats, predominantly former slave owners (a group that made up a mere 2-3% of the Southern state population, that included BLACK slave owners) continued practicing racist behavior up to 100 years later, with political policies that restricted black citizens from enjoying equality.

Yet today we see supposed scholars that would have the next generation be taught that because of their skin color they are responsible for racism; past, present or future. The generation next in the USA is being lied to by educators and politicians that preach CRT to instill white guilt or incite black (BIPOC) hate. Perhaps this lie is driven by the thought that the current administration can offer ‘reparations’ to blacks and BIPOC for the injustice of slavery. This may happen. After all, the nation has a $30TRILLION of debt today. What’s anther $10TRILLION for the US taxpayer.

Let’s look at the third side of the argument. Here is a truth. No amount of money can possibly pay for or relieve the injustice of slavery. It cannot be done with money. The black family model that tried to survive the racism of the 1960’s has been inculcated (def: instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction) with the destruction of the family unit only to be replaced by their own Uncle. Uncle Sam. The US Government. Black single parent families get by today with hard work (sometimes two, three or more jobs by the parent), an extension of the family unit, charity or government handouts.

Democrat policies seek to have the nation state be the parent. How can I say that? Because the government doesn’t provide money to families with two parents. They incentivize single parenting with tax breaks and financial handouts. So why should they stay together?

Here is another truth. Forgive my digression. Any government that gives you everything you want, can take everything you have. People that have experience living in a socialist state or communist nation know this. The Democrat policies of the Biden administration is a gamble they Dems may well lose. The people that are sweeping across the southern border are escaping…. socialism. They may well take the money today, betting on citizenship (amnesty) tomorrow, but they won’t vote for socialism. This doesn’t not bode well for the current administration. Their support of racist policies that that cause divisiveness are not being accepted.

For the Democratic policy of “democratic socialism” (Dear Senator Sanders. You can put lipstick on that pig by adding “democratic” to it. It’s still a pig named SOCIALISM and it is the killer of countries!) to work, the Democratic Party must create a ‘boogie man’.

That ‘boogie man’ is being presented as an old white population that never owned slaves, isn’t racist, and quite frankly, is getting increasingly tired of labels that are based on lies. You may think that by repeating the lie, (that America’s white population is racist), long enough you may get people to believe it. It might have worked on Nazi’s, but American’s are not, nor have they ever been (except for a tiny, TINY group) Nazi’s. For the CRT race pushers to allude that every white American is a white supremacist is unwarranted.

There is pushback on the tripe that CRT claims. This theory needs to be pushed into the category of Conspiracy Race Theory. This lie must be fought until it becomes a minor footnote in an honest history book.

Uncle Mike
