I Miss Prince

I Miss Prince

Commentary on Racism By Uncle Mike

I was fortunate enough to live my blessed life serving the US Military at a time when the country peaked. It peaked as a diplomatic, technologic, military and economic power. I was in Germany when the wall went down. I was in Iraq when Saddam went down. I was a plank carrying aol email user. I’ve made over a million US dollars in my lifetime. I am a walking, talking, writing testimony to how absolutely wonderful the United States of America was.

During the peak prosperity and global power of the USA there was another power that was taken for granted. Entertainment. The US entertainment industry was the envy of everyone on the planet. Including Soviets, Chinese, and millions of Muslims that were never allowed to listen to music or watch TV. At the end of the 20th century, the US dominated the world. We had made such progress in every aspect of life, including racism.

During the 80’s, Prince rose to the pinnacle of music success. This man was without a doubt a musical genius. He infused all styles of music; pop, funk, R & B, blues, rock. You name it, he could play it. This man opened the hearts and minds of over a billion people.

From the depths of my Boomer Brain I’m going share with you a story, so skip to the end if you heard it before. Your Aunt Lou had already left Germany to get back to Texas. It was Saturday, the 6th of June 1992. Two buddies and I left early that morning headed to Garmisch to go whitewater rafting. After riding the freezing alpine water’s, we were driving home, cruising on the autobahn and entered Munich. To our surprise, the sign outside the Olympiahalle advertised “Prince Diamonds and Pearls Tour”. Hell to the yeah, we’re there!

Between the three of us, we scraped together enough Deutsche Marks (they still had DMs back then. Stopped being used in 2002 for Euro’s.) to get in. It was AMAZING. Imagine 20,000 screaming Germans, dressed to the nines in their finest 90’s outfits. Lots of big hair and short skirts. And that was the guys! We were in jeans, T-shirts and smelled like 30 miles of raging river. It didn’t matter. It was Prince!

For two hours, 20,000 people, many with English as a second language sang along with this 5’ 5” giant of a man. Every word, sung by heart. I look back at that concert. That moment in time and I remember there were two things missing. Black people… and racism. If you were to ask me, at that moment, 6 June, 1992 the US had almost defeated racism. We were in Germany and 20,000 Germans were singing every word of an American black mans’ music. Victory was at hand! So close…

Skip ahead to 21 April, 2016. Prince Rogers Nelson was found dead, alone in an elevator. My musical hero, my go to voice when I needed to turn it up to 11 had ‘laid down his funky music’. Prince died of an overdose of the painkiller fentanyl. Apparently even if you only weigh 120 pounds, you can’t jump from 20 feet in the air off of amplifiers in high heels over 4 decades and not do damage to your body. Along with his death went the USA’s victory over racism. Indulge me as I digress.

The democrat party ran Bill Clinton for President in ’92. As the single world power in 1992, the US voters decided to elect Bill Clinton over George H. W. Bush. Clinton was elected to turn the economy around (James Carville’s entire celebrity is based off the comment, “it’s the economy, stupid”, which put Clinton in the white house). During Clinton’s eight years as president, it was his policies, not his adultery that pushed the United States back towards racism. Only it was not whites versus minorities, it can be argued it was black Americans pushing racism against whites. Payback would be delivered. Decades of pent-up frustration due to a lack of economic or social progress was brought to the surface. It was during this time that race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters rose to power under the cover of the Democrat party policies, supported by a media that was sympathetic due to white guilt. But those policies had devils in the details. The family unit was under assault.

Let’s jump ahead. April 16th, 2016, President Barack Obama was still in the White House. Seems like a century ago. If any person on this planet should have been able to end racism, it was him. From the moment Joe Biden declared him to be “clean” (how the hell did the media let him get away with that comment?), Obama was placed on a pedestal to be the eliminator of racism, not just in the US, but around the world. He was anything but that.

Half white, half black, a communicator of legendary oratory skill, Obama was elected by people that had absolutely no idea what his policies were to instill black equality throughout the land. He was elected by white people to finally show the world that the USA had defeated racism. Dot com bubble, economic woes, Afghanistan be damned. This man was single-handedly going to bury racism. Not so fast. President Obama was in his heart a ‘community organizing’ social justice democrat.  

After a short honeymoon with the media fawning over how wonderful Obama was, the glow began to wear off. Comments such as, “the police acted stupidly”, and if he “had a son, he would look like Trayvon” and of course, the Tea Party movement was full of “racist Motherf$%rs”. People now understand that the entirety of Barack Obama is about nothing but race. In fact, the best characteristic about Barack Obama is he is a terrific father. If he was Trayvon’s father, that young man would probably be alive today. A man with political vision to build a legacy of racial equity (Def: the quality of being fair and impartial. “equity of treatment”), failed to deliver equality (Def: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities).

The democrat policies are designed to exploit racism for political gain and in the process, the democrat party destroyed the family unit. The intent was to make government the parents. Today, black single parent families in America are destroying the black community. When the policies failed, the black community organizations turned to BLM. This organization is black America’s answer to the KKK and neo-nazi’s. With a Marxist foundation that has one purpose. Destroy the United States of America. Fighting racism with racism isn’t the answer. Prince knew this.

After the Obama Presidency was completed, Hillary Clinton was chartered to take his mantel and continue down that same path. We know what happened there. President Trump upset the best laid plans with a surprise victory. Trump was elected by people that took issue with policies of the Democrat party leadership. To this day, they have no clue why she lost. Surely, she must have lost because white voters wanted revenge against the Obama legacy. This is a foolish belief. They don’t understand Trump’s election win had nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with big government direction and policies that were unacceptable to millions of people.

President Trump was labeled a racist, among other things. How could this man have possibly defeated Hillary? It must have been his racist attitude and 70 million voters are all KKK card carrying racist! The solution to the 2016 vote was to counter white racism with black racism. Which leads us to where we are today. The blame for lousy democrat policies of big government, more taxes and millions of illegal immigrants is white people. Today, American’s are subjected the constant bombardment of race, racism, racial discrimination. By racist. Ask any Jew in New York City. Except Senator Schumer.

The courage, strength and power of the United States is waning. Not because of Russian communism or Chinese communism. Because of internal fear. Fear to stop the democrat narrative that the country is racist. Resist this narrative with all your strength. Don’t be white. Don’t be black or BIPOC. Be red, white and blue. Don’t allow them to divide US.

In 1987, Prince released “The Cross” as a promotional single in South Africa. You want to talk about racism, research South African apartheid. In 1996, “The Cross” was released on the “Girl 6” Album. In the latter years of his life, Prince had turned to God seeking answers to help him through his pain. It is my belief that Prince is in heaven looking down on us praying that we see what he saw. A better way.

During the peak power of the United States at the end of the 20th century, the country had defeated the globe in every manner. Even racism was nearly defeated by a giant man named Prince. We were so close. I wish Prince were here today to get US back on that path.

Uncle Mike

Take a break from the world this weekend. When you get a couple minutes, feel free to listen to musical genius. If you are a youngster, perhaps you have not heard Prince play. Attached are two links. The first for “The Cross”:

Prince The Cross – YouTube

The second video is of Prince performing a guitar solo of George Harrison’s classic, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” with Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others at the 2004 Hall of Fame Inductions. Prince takes the stage for the solo about the 3:25 point. At the end, notice he literally throws the guitar in the air. To me, it seems like he tosses it up to heaven. You don’t see it come down. Enjoy one of the best guitar solo’s you will ever hear:

2021 Remaster “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” with Prince, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne and Steve Winwood – YouTube
