If You Voted For President Biden, Did You Vote For This?

If You Voted For President Biden, Did You Vote For This?

by Uncle Mike’s Opinion

So you were so exited when you and 80 million other people just like you voted for Joe Biden. Admit it, you didn’t really vote FOR Joe Biden! You voted against Donald Trump. That was your reason the country now has an OBiden Presidency. Four more years of Joe OBiden’s policies that were so successful, that they gave the country Donald Trump. Uh, thank you? Mara Log Oh-no still lives rent free in the hallways of every cable news show.

So when you voted Joe from Scranton, did you think he was going to take Putin out behind the gym? Or maybe Xi? He can barely walk in a gym, much less out back. Did you believe he had the stones to actually lead the free world against these type dictators? You didn’t even think about that, did you? Get rid of Trump.

Did you think he would protect the US from a soft invasion of ILLEGAL immigrants? Oh, you want this surge (see that military term I used there. Circle back for an explanation) so they will spread out to Red States and become blue voters. You are the same fools that will cry over the vote when the legal immigrants vote overwhelmingly Red to protect their jobs, their families and their lives. They’ve all seen this movie, and they do not need some self-loathing white college kid from San Francrappo telling them to vote for more nonsense. Vice President Cackle is in charge of the border. Too bad she can’t find it on the map, even if you spot her California. But Trump is gone.

You voted for Joe to provide a peace deal with Iran? How’s that working out for you? We’re on the verge of war’s, (multiiple?) with not just the Taliban (until SEP 11th? Hey, don’t advertise the withdraw date!), but the Iranians, the Russians AND the Chinese. But, Trump had negotiated multiple peace deals. And you never heard about it from your news sources. But, now that Trump’s gone, peace is breaking out everywhere. Even in Ireland. Not.

You thought Joe would be able to get congress to… reach across the isle. Hell all they’ve reached for is the wallet of every taxpayer in America. You voted for tax increases, right? Not really to your salary of under $400K, but to the inflation of every single product in America, going up. You’re OK with this, too.

You were sold a bill of goods. A package deal on a car that as soon as you took it off the lot, became something you didn’t buy. Full of people you don’t want in your neighborhood, much less your back yard. Watching your dollar get shrunk so much you can’t buy half as much as you could pre-COVID. And a bonus of the need to increase the military budget to fight multiple wars because the neocons reside in the democrap party. You voted for this.

You are not welcome.

Uncle Mike
