“Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much”

“Me Thinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much”

Commentary by Uncle Mike for NQRNews

In Hamlet, as our hero and his mother are watching a play, Hamlet ask his mother, “Madam, how like you this play?”, to which she replies ironically, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”, meaning that the Player Queen’s protestations of love and fidelity are too excessive to be believed.

‘Too excessive to be believed” describes the constant political narrative of the US Democratic Party. There has been a non-stop screech of how racists the GOP, Trump voters, all the white males in the military and of course every cop that walks a beat is since Joe Biden was sworn in.  

The once almost believable Black Lives Matter FOUNDATION has been discovered to be a Marxist organization with leaders that have serious questions about their funds. When I first heard about BLM in 2018, I supported what was the initial concept. That black people’s lives did matter. Now the organization espouses Critical Race Theory. CRT has morphed from civil rights scholars seeking to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race, turn into examinations of social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism. The Foundation pushes Marxist ideology under the banner of black oppression. Rashad Turner, a founder of the BLM movement in St. Paul, MN in 2015 has called out the organization. (Former BLM Leader Calls Out ‘Ugly Truth’ of Group’s Position on Family, Education (yahoo.com).

The Secretary of Defense for the Biden administrations’ first policy was to perform a standdown for the entire Department of Defense to search for ‘white supremacist’ inside the military after the riot at the US Capitol on 6 January. Turns out the police were using flashbang devices on the crowd. A crowd which did not have guns. I can not defend their actions, but there are many, many questions about that day. One of which is how did that politically charged event turn into, find the Nazi’s in the military? The Secretary’s action was verbally obfuscated to cover his intent to remove former President Trump supporters from the military. This ‘crisis’ was pushed, then followed by an internal military survey that produced ridiculous numbers indicating a vast amount of military members believe their fellow warriors are racist.

Now we have the President of the US again making a racially charged comment that black businesses “don’t have lawyers or accountants”… because of their race? This democrat President is allowed by the media, to get away with insulting comments like that, because he is a Democrat.

The US Civil War costs well over 700,000 deaths from 1861-1865. The best outcome from that was Republican politicians taking steps to eliminate slavery. Every decade, the country got better. Over 100 years later, the US still had racial division. There were over 160 race riots in the US in 1967 alone. To hear Democratic Senators, claim the events of 6 January were the worst event in the USA since the Civil War is a lie. Many of those Senators were in DC at that time. The 1960s were a terrible time in the cities and the riots eventually led to true progress in race relations. The US was making strides in race relations until Barack Obama was elected. His actions while serving as President put the USA back to the 1960s. Now President Biden has been selected to serve President Obama’s third term. The status of race relations in the USA today is worse than the 60’s, because of politics.

Now we have daily calls of racism by celebrities, media, politicians from the democratic party, academia, and even military leaders. It is a word that has been overused, improperly adopted, and serves a nefarious objective. To drive a wedge between the citizens of a country that is by far, the LEAST RACIST country on the globe.

The Democrat’s, by taking the path that 70 million plus citizen’s that did not vote for President Biden are all racist is a political overstep. Their perspective is unhelpful, unwarranted, and unwanted.

I look forward to the election of 2022. Power cannot be taken away from the Democrat political leadership soon enough. If they maintain their path to socialistic Marxism and use race as their banner, the US population will not follow them down that road. The US is not perfect. The cries of racist we hear daily is not helping their political cause or the nation.

There are 330 million people in the US that are ALL protected by the Constitution to form a Republic. To think that by calling your countrymen racist is a way to get them to accept your political argument is absurd. There will be a tremendous price to pay for the USA if this protest political adversaries continues.

Uncle Mike
