Nobody Likes People That Cut in Line!

Nobody Likes People That Cut in Line!

Commentary By Uncle Mike

As I sit here with visions of 1976 flashing through my “Boomer Brain”, I am having flashbacks of raging stagflation, a weak Democrat President, and a neighbor playing some disco crap. But the most painful memory was the damn gas lines. The only thing worse than the gas lines was the arseholes that would jump the line! I admit freely, I have no compassion for people that cut in line. Whether it’s for gas, a donut, or to enter a country where millions of other people wait their turn.

It did my heart good last week to see some folks take kindergarten rules into their own hands last week and rough up a gas line cutter. I do not want to praise violence as a tactic to solve misdemeanors, but hey, the clown shouldn’t be let into the line in the first place. The butt-kickin’ was deserved!

Now about the ‘line cutters’ that are entering the US illegally. And that IS THE POINT! It is ILLEGAL. There are thousands and thousands of people, from all sorts of countries that speak all sorts of languages. The one thing that is understood in everyone’s language is…. YOU DON’T CUT THE LINE! If you do, in any country, you deserve a butt-kickin’!

The legal immigrants that come to the USA, that stand in the line to gain their citizenship, are more than welcome. They generally learn English (apparently, not a requirement, but it is damn good form since it is the language of prosperity and the common tongue), they understand history and probably learned that voting for anyone other than a Democrat benefits not just them, but the new country they now live in. Unemployed Americans waiting in line for money from work or the government also understand, they do not like folks that have not WAITED IN LINE to get money before them! Scranton Joe gave American’s $1400(?), (AFTER the D’s held up payments because they didn’t want Orangemanbad to get credit?) and some line cutters are getting $15K?!?! Come on, Man!

The USA is a country that has never taken kindly to line cutters. It isn’t the American way. Even kindergarteners learn that. Maybe this is no longer being taught in school with common core.

I damn well believe that congress doesn’t appreciate line cutters, unless of course they think those line cutters will be Democrat voters. There is a problem with that view. If you look at the images of the line cutters coming across the Rio Grande, they aren’t wearing rags. Some have luggage for Christ’s sake! Not to mention cash(?). They make the perilous journey to become American’s, so why would they vote to be like the countries they just left? They paid a lot of money to get here and cut the line. Chances are very good that they will not care to have their money fall into the hands of a government that wants it. That’s why they left that environment in the first place. Even though they chose a dangerous journey, they should not be allowed to cut in line to vote. It isn’t fair to the immigrants that stand in line.

It is a tricky calculation to think that 10-20 million new line cutters will jump on the Democrat bandwagon of higher taxes, larger government, and a carefree attitude about anyone that cuts a line. To think these folks will be beholden to a party that is just like ‘back home’ is a gamble. I wouldn’t count on it. They might just be smarter than the democrat voters and vote for people that don’t tolerate line cutting.

This week is, “don’t let any arsehole cut in line” week. (Not really. I made this up.) Feel free to participate. I’m also pretty certain they will learn that disco still sucks. But not as bad as a line cutter.

Uncle Mike
