NQRNews 18 AUG: Taliban Blitz Aftermath

NQRNews 18 AUG: Taliban Blitz Aftermath

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

The Biden administration is doing it’s best to put the pieces of the ‘humpty-dumpty’ presidency back on the right path today. It is not working. Biden not visible, VP Harris yelling, “don’t put this on me”, the Afghan President running away with $170 million(?!), and the key leaders unable to satisfy a friendly press corps simple question. The biggest takeaway, they have no answers on how they will get thousands of Americans and Afghan’s away from the Taliban throughout the new “Islamic Emirate”.

I did catch Hugh Hewitt this morning and he provided a nice input. For the $2.2TRILLION(+) the US taxpayers were saddled with for the 20 years, and the $88Billion in weapons and equipment that was left for the Taliban to pillage, the US was not attacked by terrorists forces coming from Afghanistan. Two trillion dollars is a lot of money to prevent the planning and execution of another 9/11 event. A question for Mr. Hewitt. How much money will the US need to spend now that former Guantanamo Bay terrorists, a stronger than ever Taliban, and God only knows how many terrorists across the globe will decide to attack US due to the ‘optics’ presented by a weak, frail and out of touch president? Another $2 Trillion? How bout $4Trillion? It’s not like out government is concerned about money, but the next $2-6TRILLION is designed to pay off Democratic voters. There is NO MONEY in the democrat plans for increased defense of the US. The POTUS didn’t need to send an invitation to Akmed the Terrorists for open season on Americans (shout out to Jeff Dunham). They’ve been waiting for this for years.

The price of this failure cannot be measured in money. It is a catastrophe for which no one in this administration will be held accountable for. If it was the Trump administration (which would not have allowed this situation without a fight), Pelosi’s gavel would be rallying her lemmings for impeachment number 3.

There are no good answers to this situation. It is possible military leadership, coordinated with skilled diplomacy could get the people out and to safety. I do not believe this administration has the capability to do what’s right. First, we need to put away the politics, unite against the common enemy, and focus on the mission to get our countrymen out of harm’s way. AND the Afghani’s that worked with us need to be taken care of as promised. We can pray that the Taliban really will keep their word and not be the same religious fanatics they were 20 years ago. But prayers are not a course of action.

Glad we are getting out of the “Black Hole” that is Afghanistan. But the costs of this defeat will continue to be paid not just by American’s, but the entire western civilization for decades.

Uncle Mike

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 18 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

As if President Biden’s plate didn’t have enough crap on it, add this little bit more to it:

Afghan ambassador says Ghani stole millions, calls for arrest | TheHill

Hope he checks how that Russian pipeline is progressing:

Biden discusses Afghanistan withdrawal with Merkel | TheHill

Information news:

Probably let them in if they trade an MRAP or up-armored HUMMV:

Iran closes border to fleeing Afghans | TheHill

Military News:

This is not what the intelligence community is leaking out:

Gen. Milley Claims Nobody Expected Taliban To Take Afghanistan In Just 11 Days | ZeroHedge


Color me skeptical that our veteran’s will receive the kind of care they need:

Cost of caring for Iraq, Afghanistan vets could top $2.5 trillion: report (militarytimes.com)

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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