NQRNews 24 Mar: US Making Phone Calls, But No One is Answering

NQRNews 24 Mar: US Making Phone Calls, But No One is Answering

(image by bbc.com )

Dear NQRNews Readers,

There was a time when the USA could pick up the phone and anyone on planet earth would answer. That is the ultimate display of respect. Even enemies would at least talk. In the last month we have found out that multiple countries, even those the USA thought were allies, friends or neighbors, will not pick up the phone if Joe Biden (Tony Blinken, Sec State) called. Whether it is begging for oil output increases or providing weapons to Ukraine, the Biden administration is not being listened to. Now this embarrassment has been expanded to include the Pentagon:

Pentagon: Russian defense officials have declined to take multiple calls from US counterparts | TheHill

Here is a nice opinion on this situation:

Russia not taking Gen. Mark Milley’s phone calls – American Thinker

The bottom line is the Russian Generals, neck deep in a war they are having troubles with, have no time to answer Milleys’ calls. Remember it was Milley that provided details about President Trump to his counterparts in China prior to the election in 2020. Milley seemed to brag about the fact that he gave information that should have been at a minimum, SECRET, to his Chinese counterparts. He wanted to assure the Chinese he wouldn’t allow Trump to use nukes. Now the Russians don’t want to talk to him and are openly talking about using nukes. Not just in Ukraine, but against Americans.

With articles like this:

Watch Live: Biden Holds NATO Summit Press Conference – “Weapons Flying Into Ukraine As We Speak” | ZeroHedge

Is it any wonder other countries won’t take US calls? Biden can’t sanction the whole planet. People are already setting up an alternative financial structure to the US/EU/SWIFT system.

This would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous. Open lines of communication are necessary for diplomacy to work. It is paramount that US leaders communicate with friends and foes. The USA was merely laughed at by the EU/NATO reps with Biden and Harris efforts to prevent the invasion of Ukraine. Now they are being viewed with contempt. This after Biden literally said, there is a “New World Order”, and the US will lead it.

There isn’t anyone out there that wants the USA leading anything if this is what the US leadership is like.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 24 March 2022:


China isn’t gonna like this:

Report calls for US action over China’s push to shut Taiwan out of international organizations | TheHill


Remember COVID? The US is approaching 1,000,000 deaths (inflated?) from COVID. This number doesn’t include those that have died from the vaccine. This effort by the airlines is an attempt to get US back to normal:

Leaders Of 10 Major US Airlines Urge Biden To Drop Mask Mandates, Pre-Departure Testing Requirements | ZeroHedge


If you are a Russian General or Admiral, of course you’re not taking US calls. But I’m pretty sure you don’t want to take Putins’ calls either! You want to explain this to Vlad Putin?:

Ukraine war: Russian landing ship ‘destroyed’ as Red Cross chief warns of ‘complex frontline’ and people trapped | World News | Sky News


Sanctions can’t bite quick enough or big enough for the Russian war machine:

Sanctions bite, because Russian economy isn’t huge to begin with – CSMonitor.com

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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