NQRNews Articles on Israel-Palestinian Conflict 14 May 21

NQRNews Articles on Israel-Palestinian Conflict 14 May 21

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

We’ve been following the Israel/Palestinian conflict closely. I want to share some news stories with you. First is the best coverage I have seen on the conflict:

Inside deadly Hamas-Israel war with arsenal of 30,000 rockets, kamikaze drones and ‘skunk water’ (thesun.co.uk)

Here is “The Hill” coverage of the tunnel system engagements:

Israeli forces hit Hamas tunnel system in Gaza, deny reports of ground assault | TheHill

Here is an article on the Progressive US groups position. (No comments on the war crimes caused by >2000 rockets):

Progressive groups call for Biden to denounce evictions of Palestinians as ‘war crimes’ | TheHill

An article on Palestinian deaths:


I don’t see this ending anytime soon. Let’s pray cooler heads prevail.

Uncle Mike
