NQRNews Cartoon for 21 June

NQRNews Cartoon for 21 June

Where is Hunter Biden? It just. Doesn’t. Matter.

Five months into Biden’s Presidency and Trump still lives rent free in the minds of MSM, Hollywood and Academia. Meanwhile, the GOP has moved on. They no longer recognize “TDS” or Trump Derangement Syndrome. The new acronym of choice is “TFS” or Trump Fatigue Syndrome. The GOP knows Trump will not be the President again and have moved on. But, he will be the ‘Kingmaker’. His policies are what drove him to success during his presidency. Ron DeSantis seems to be the early leader so expect the Dems and Media to start their attacks on the Florida Governor any day now. The GOP candidates see the Biden Family is untouchable, so why bother. Hunter Biden is a walking Hollywood script that no one dares buy. The President is an old codger, one angry scream away from embarrassing himself in front of his media bootlickers. And for all intents and purposes, it appears Dr. Jill is signing the executive orders(?).

Uncle Mike

