NQRNews Commentary 13 September, 2021: Remembering 11 September, 2001: What’s Happening Now (Part II)

NQRNews Commentary 13 September, 2021: Remembering 11 September, 2001: What’s Happening Now (Part II)

REMEMBERING 11 SEPTEMBER, 2001: What’s Happening Now (Part II)

(Image by Gorrell)

13 September, 2021 Commentary and OPINION by Uncle Mike

Now that we can collectively breathe and clear our heads from our remembrance of 11 September, 2001, it’s time to understand what is happening today. Terrorists strikes have consequences and it may have taken the USA some time, but the perpetrators of the strike paid for their destruction. In my opinion, they could never pay enough. Let’s look at where we are today.

On 5 November, 2009, Major Nadal Hasan killed 13 people in a horrific attack at Ft. Hood, TX. A Muslim of Palestinian descent, Hassan was shot while committing the attack, and rendered paralyzed. This is how Wikipedia describes this Hasan’s act of Muslim Terrorism:

                “Two days before the shooting, less than a month before he was due to deploy to Afghanistan, Hasan gave away many of his belongings to a neighbor. Prior to the shooting, Hasan expressed critical views described by colleagues as “anti-American”. An investigation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concluded his e-mails with the late Imam Anwar al-Awlaki were related to his authorized professional research and he was not a threat. The FBI, Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. Senate all conducted investigations after the shootings. The DoD classified the events as “workplace violence”, pending prosecution of Hasan in a court-martial. The Senate released a report describing the mass shooting as “the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001”. The decision by the Army to not charge Hasan with terrorism is controversial.” 

– Wiki

The cowardice of the Department of Defense to allow this attack to be called “workplace violence” ripples to this day. It should not go without saying this attack took place in the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. It can’t go without saying, the DoD must have been influence by the half-black, half-white president that held then as today to strong roots in the Islamic faith. The decision to try to “whitewash” Hasan Muslim Ideology must have come from the White House in an attempt to prevent ‘white rage’, or some other non-sensical reasoning for not identifying the murdering psychotic terrorist as what he was. A murdering psychotic Muslim terrorist. (Of note, Hasan is still alive today and just recently congratulated the Taliban on their victory. Terrorist Nidal Hassan who killed 13 at Fort Hood congratulates Taliban from death row (nypost.com) . The fact that no President has had the courage to terminate the sad pathetic life of Nadal Hasan is indicative of the lack of courage in the political arena of the USA today).

A viable consequence of striking the sole Global Super Power on September 11, 2001, Osama Bin Laden the leader of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, was killed on May 2, 2011 by US special operations forces. The fact that Bin Laden was living (practically) in the open at a compound in Abbottobad, Pakistan, home of their military academy is not lost on this writer. The killing of Bin Laden was the highlight of the Barack Obama administration, and by all accounts Joe Biden was against the strike to kill the leader of Al-Qaeda. The death of Bin Laden is the one success the Obama administration can brag about. It is absolutely remarkable that is took nearly 10 years to find, fix and kill Bin Laden. It is somewhat incomprehensible it took that long as he was hiding in the open. This should’ve set off massive alarms within the Obama administration, but it didn’t. They were soft on Muslim extremism and it can be argued that Obama was sympathetic to their cause. He needed to kill Bin Laden or chances are he would never have been re-elected in November of 2011. It was the one thing he could run on against a terrible Republican candidate, that insured his victory.

Within a year, another incident occurred that should have created another ripple in the Obama – Islamic ‘space-time continuum’. An incident that should have had the press calling for resignations. But it did not.

On September 12, 2012 ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Dority were abandoned at of US facility in Benghazi, Libya. The decision-making process that left US personnel unprotected on September 11, was a direct failure of the Barack Obama administration to understand the magnitude of Islamic terrorists. The fact that it occurred on the anniversary of 9-11 was lost on the administration as they used a counter Islamic terrorism video, that no one anywhere had ever seen, as the excuse for the Benghazi attack.

In order to understand significance of 9-11 and the reason it creates such passion, you must understand the environment that terrorism in 2001 created. The consequences of the Obama administration trying to soften the perspective of Islamic terror was never presented in any logical way by the US or global media. But the US population understood the significance. Obama’s tolerance of Islamic terrorism and pandering to Iran and others presented a false impression of the USA’s knowledge of Islamic fundamentalism and the nature that is incompatible with western democracy. The Obama administration failed to identify the fundamentalist ideology that led to terrorism across the globe and literally gave billions of (perhaps) US tax dollars. (They claim it was money owed to Iran. Yet did ‘the deal’ in the middle of the night without consulting congress apparently). Pretty certain Obama didn’t pull that money from his bank account, so where did it come from? To say the administration was sympathetic may be hyperbole, but it is extremely close to fact.

It is also said that the current Biden administration is nothing more than the third Obama administration. He has the same personnel advising him and he has the same soft perspective of Islam as evidenced by his complete capitulation to the Taliban. What deals were made, by who, and what did the USA get from any agreements? We still have US personnel and Afghani Allies inside Afghanistan. The US press is doing everything in their laptops they can muster to protect the administrations failure in the exit from Afghanistan. As much as they try to protect Biden, Afghanistan and the misinformation on COVID will not go away anytime soon. The effort to protect Joe Biden’s failing presidency is being summed up by a US population that is actively chanting “F$%^ Joe Biden” in stadiums of greater than 60,000 people at football games. The rebellion of American’s can’t be covered up by a biased media that is all in for an administration that is in serious trouble. An administration that is caught in a ‘Catch-22’ (Def: a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions) they have created for the Democratic Party. They can’t get rid of him as the VP is even less likable than the president.

So here we are today. Twenty years later, the Taliban is back, and Pakistan is using them as a proxy to expand Muslim fundamentalism.

Last week Joe Biden gave a speech that was complete government overreach and infringed completely States rights. It is that type of environment that led to the first American Civil War. I’m not saying that’s where we’re headed, but when the President of the United States says he has lost “patience”, he is completely out of touch with understanding what the population of the nation thinks of his policies and his presidency. Right back at you Mr. President!

It is not too soon to point fingers at the complete failure of the withdrawal from Afghanistan that Biden and his cabinet executed so poorly. Competent Department of Defense and military leadership is lacking right now. As indicated by the need to coerce subordinates to be quiet with directives and threats and making examples of service personnel that display dissatisfaction. Over a hundred generals expressed their displeasure with the current military leadership. The same military leadership that would not support then commander in chief Donald Trump, and lied to him about the current situation, yet are vocal in their support of leftist political ideology. Ideology that is the antithesis of the US Constitution and Western democracy.

The terrorists could not have possibly conceived such a great victory, gift wrapped with the absolute, complete failure of the Biden administration to protect Americans and western civilization from the murderous thugs that comprise the Taliban. This is not hyperbole. There will be a massive increase in Islamic terrorism that can be directly attributed to Iran and potentially, Pakistan. President Biden is no longer the leader of the free world. He has capitulated the title. Joe Biden is a compromised politician that no longer has the ability to do the job he was voted in to do. Yet, he can’t be removed.

These are the ramifications of 11 September, 2001. The fate of the free world today revolves around a man that wanted to use that date for political optics. To present a self-congratulatory picture that he successfully ended America’s longest war. Instead, he has left global terrorists with an image of victory that will cripple the USA for generations.

Uncle Mike
