NQRNews Commentary for 22 Feb 23: The US has Chosen… Poorly.

NQRNews Commentary for 22 Feb 23: The US has Chosen… Poorly.

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today is Feb 22nd. The highlighted article is from The Hill: Americans divided on who will win Ukraine war: poll | The Hill

I for one could care less about either side. Vlad Putin is a diabolical narcissist that is leading the world to the brink of nuclear destruction. All to try and re-establish a ‘greater Russia’ along the boundaries of the former Soviet Union.

And for the US team, the upstart leader of the Ukraine, President Zelensky. Who just can’t get enough of either; weapons to defend (go on the offense?) the Ukraine or of the US taxpayer’s money.

In this fight, neither side is worthy of the US participating, but in the infinite wisdom of Joe Bidens’ handlers (yeah, I’m talkin’ to you Susan Rice!) they have forced the US to take the Ukrainian side.

The ramifications of this decision are beginning to show as China rolls directly over into the Russian corner. Any diplomatic gains the US had with India have been lost as they need to buy as much cheap oil as Russia will sell. And the staunch US allies in Europe collectively ponied up about $30 Billion US petrobucks.

Buy items low now while you can citizens. There is a price hike coming that will surely put most of us in the poor house.

Time for the GOP congress to earn their money and turn off the blank check to Ukraine.

Uncle Mike

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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