NQRNews Commentary for 29 Mar: Biden’s Gaffes Cause Reason to Review Election 2020. 25th Amendment?

NQRNews Commentary for 29 Mar: Biden’s Gaffes Cause Reason to Review Election 2020. 25th Amendment?

(image from Zero Hedge)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Our lead article is on government control of gas prices. See below. My opinion commentary today is a rehash of the 2020 election. Why go there, Uncle Mike!? Because it needs to be said.

Have you noticed all the ‘news’ that keeps distracting from real events? News like the Russian invasion of Ukraine (which isn’t over yet, even though Zelensky says he needs more NATO support, yet is reported in some places to winning?), Biden the gaffe machine was back (on a global stage), and then we have the bitch-slap seen round the world. Staged, real? Who cares! It’s out there to give you the “bread and circuses” you need to not be focused on reality. The reality is there are many things going to hell because of the leader that was elected in November of 2020 and the clowns that are telling you to worship him.

Here is a peek at some reality. The USA had thousands and thousands of fraudulent votes in 2020. Enough to elect Donald Trump? We will never know. However, concerned people continue to investigate the fraud. Here is an article from Real Clear Politics by John R. Lott Jr. on the subject:

New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud | RealClearPolitics

The article offers the “catch-22” the Republicans face:

“Courts have rejected challenges to the 2020 presidential vote, generally citing the lack of evidence that any alleged fraud would have altered the outcome in a particular state. The Republican plaintiffs argued that since their observers couldn’t watch the vote counts or were prevented from seeing other evidence, they couldn’t provide such proof without investigations backed by subpoena power. Still, while some judges have agreed that irregularities occurred in 2020, they weren’t willing to grant discovery in the absence of evidence that fraud could reverse the election results. Republicans thus faced a Catch-22 situation.” -John R. Lott Jr

To hear media parrot, it’s been reviewed and there was no fraud, usually with the caveat; measurable or distinguishable amounts of fraud. That is a lie. Yet we still hear this because they don’t want to do their job and investigate the election. Their ‘guy’ won, and all is right with the world. For them. The “Big Guy” had what Reuters (fact checked!) called a slip of the tongue:

Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme | Reuters

Jump back to 2020 and remember what Biden, in a moment of possible clarity quipped. In Bidens’ slip, he said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” This from a walking, talking gaffe machine that says the last thing he remembers, such as US troops are headed to Ukraine and Putin can’t stay in power. The White House spent Sunday hastily covering the verbal turd that landed in their litter box. Biden’s supposedly brilliant (Reaganesque “tear down that wall) speech fell flat because he ended it when he went off script.

This is all the result of the 2020 election results. Yes, there was an incredible amount of fraud that occurred. Yes, we will never know how much because the evidence is not being looked at in the courts. And yes, Joe Biden was selected or “won” with 81 million votes that have not been validated but presented by the electoral college (that Democrats want to do away with). The college and the Republican RINO’s choose not to consider the validated vote totals as Trump needed to be kept out of the White House. It has worked.

Jump forward to today. President Biden has had three major verbal gaffe’s in the last week. He is responsible for the failing economy, the reprehensible departure from Afghanistan, and Putin’s attempt to invade Ukraine among other things (an open southern border invasion at home, etc.). I don’t believe any of these things happen with a Trump presidency. But the people in DC wanted Trump gone. They certainly didn’t want to have to deal with a president that is causing so many problems with the verbal gaffes he is committing. They would love to have Hillary or 0bama back in the White House. Then all would be right in their world. But Joe Biden is the president. This is what we all must deal with.

That is a world that might as well be the Metaverse. It is a world where they could be greater than NPCs (Non playable characters in video games) in reality. The people controlling Biden are the ones that want power over the entire world (Bidens’ gaffe on the “new world order” where the US (him) are the leaders). They can’t even control the president, yet they think they can control money, the climate, and the whole world. They can’t. Ask Vladimir Putin about that. Ask if it’s time for congress to consider the 25th Amendment? Time for the 47th, even if it’s VP Harris.

If you are putting your opinion out on social media, if you are acting to protect your children from the diabolical narcissists in DC and Hollywood, if you are saving your money and paying your bills, you are active in the resistance. Everything you do today to keep America free is part of the active resistance against globalist elitists. You are not alone.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 29 March 2022:


Japan is watching events with Russia:

Trying Putin for war crimes is no liberal fantasy | The Japan Times


If we have government oversight of pricing, we are destined for the loss of free market pricing:

Peter Schiff: Government Solutions For High Gas Prices Will Just Make Things Worse | ZeroHedge


Saying and doing are two different things:

Russia says it will drastically cut military activity near Kyiv and Chernihiv | The Japan Times


Just make the US Defense budget an even $1Trillion. After all, it appears debt doesn’t matter in DC:

Space Force wants 40% budget increase as it looks to bolster space-based missile warning (c4isrnet.com)

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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