NQRNews Commentary-REMEMBERING September 11, 2001. What Happened? (Part I)

NQRNews Commentary-REMEMBERING September 11, 2001. What Happened? (Part I)

REMEMBERING 11 SEPTEMBER, 2001: What Happened (Part I)

(Image by Gorrell)

Commentary by Uncle Mike

The seeds of 11 Spetember, 2001 have gotten us to where we are today. Twenty years ago Islamic terrorist brought down the twin towers in New York City. But the attack did so much more damage. It rattled a nation who seem to be protected behind walls of oceans. The effects of that attack still resonate today and Joe Bidens’ failing presidency.

Twenty years ago, I was still on active duty and was driving to work when the radio announced the first tower was struck. I entered the office just in time to see the second tower struck. It was the beginning of a long and tumultuous day. We struggled to try to keep up with the news and read any intelligence reports we could get at the time. The amount of confusion created by the simultaneous attacks was difficult to process. At the end of the day, four highjacked planes changed the world forever and created a ripple in the psyche of America.

For those of you too young to remember, Islamic terrorists were very active throughout the world, but the United States always felt like we had Safe harbor. The attack crumbled any concept American’s had of safety. Subsequently in a knee-jerk reaction we began to lose our freedoms due to the overreach of our own government which is being exacerbated today.

Collectively, we were a stunned nation. From my perspective inside a SCIF (a secure military facility), my ability to focus was extremely compromised. My personal thoughts were distracted out of concern for a college roommate of mine, John Messina. John was a New York City fire fighter at the time. There would be no opportunity to call, only hope and prayers for safety of those trapped in the City. My concern was for his safety as I watched the news thinking that perhaps I would be able to see him in all the chaos. Truth is I did not see him because he was busy doing his job. John and thousands of other New York City firefighters performed incredible feats of bravery and courage. I don’t know whether it was luck or prayer, but John Messina and thousands of other New York City firefighters and first responders are with us today. I am absolutely positive that that memory of that tragic day still lingers with everyone that was watching the tragedy unfold. It truly is an unforgettable and very emotional event that changed the world. Please take the time this weekend to remember the tremendous loss of life and freedom on that fateful day.

In order to understand 9-11, you must understand the reasoning, the cause of that event. It was accomplished by radical Muslim ideological extremists. The same type people that took down the towers in New York City and struck to the heart of western capitalist freedom, are the same people that behead journalists and western tourists, gang rape and murder women, and perform mass executions on fellow Muslims. In the United States today, there are political leaders that defend and sympathize with Islamic Terrorists and blame the extremism on western Christianity and Judaism. It was the Taliban up until 2001 that harbored Islamic terrorists within their borders. Research the fight at Tora Bora and understand Pakistan’s role in their support and harboring of Al-Qaeda leadership and Osama bin Laden.

September 11th, 2001, is an infamous day that brings remembrance across the globe. For some it allows people to remember loved ones and the individual and collective acts of courage that were displayed on that day. For others, it is a day to remember a severe blow to western democracy, Christianity, and Capitalism.

The events of that day will never be forgotten. America can try to forget, but for the people alive at the time, it is impossible. It created a collective, national PTSD for which I was thankful George W. Bush was President. Considering the massive implications of the event, he did as good a job as any man could have done.

Wherever you are this weekend, please take a moment to reflect on the events of 11 September. A date that forever changed the world. Call a friend, a family member or even a stranger and reflect. Hold your loved ones close and;


Uncle Mike

PS. Also remember, two other planes went down. One at the Pentagon and one in Pennsylvania. Alan Jackson wrote a song that is emotional and captures very poignantly the events of that day and he captured a picture that resonates to this day:

Alan Jackson – Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning – YouTube

Come together today, one more time.

This is Part I of a II Part article. The second Part will provide commentary on where we are today.
