NQRNews for 1 Mar: “Walter’s” SOTU

NQRNews for 1 Mar: “Walter’s” SOTU

(Image by mydesultoryblog.com)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Tonight, the United States of America will put on the pinnacle display of political theater, the State of the Union or the SOTU. President Biden will have a prime-time opportunity to explain to the world and his congress what a great job he’s done as president of the free world for the last 13 months. You will hear how he/him, himself, with his/her (shoutout to Jill) guidance led to the elimination of Don Trump from the presidency. How Joe from Scranton has turned around the economy, the terrible direction of America and made it the shining example of how social empowered government works for everyone. He will say it was he who led (from the beach in Delaware) the EU/NATO to counter Putin in the Ukraine last week (while someone wrote the very SOTU he is mumbling). Biden will say it was his steadfast leadership that eliminated COVID and people in the USA, even the world, can go about their lives without a mask. The clouds have parted, and he has been the best president, even better than Clinton the male, and the guy who’s name he couldn’t remember, Barry Hussein Obama.

I envision Jeff Dunham’s puppet, “Walter”, when I think of Biden giving the SOTU. It will amaze me if “Walter” Biden will be able to contain his anger, but I’m certain his puppet masters have told him he is doing great. The fact that ‘Walter’ is a puppet can’t be overlooked. President Biden is ‘handled’ by multiple people that worked for Obama or the Clintons. You can see the issues Biden pushes are issues Obama wanted to see “fundamentally transform” America. Obama never explained ‘transformed’ to what. Now he has Biden to complete what he couldn’t get done by placing the same people he had, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, etc., into Biden’s inner circle.

I can’t help but see an old man, sitting on his porch yelling at American’s to get off his democrat yard. “If you ain’t dem, you aren’t welcome here”. In fact, Biden even tells a story of moving a ‘dead dog to a woman’s porch’, and he’s proud of it:

Joe Biden Tells Strange Story About Leaving A Dead Dog On Woman’s Porch | The Daily Wire

Joe Biden is not a nice man. His age has made him meaner. When he starts whispering, you can tell just how happy he is. I wonder if he will show that temper tonight?

Behind the president will be the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. Let’s not forget Madame Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who is more noted for tearing up her copy of Trump’s SOTU speech as she sat behind Trump seething with anger, showing her disrespect behind the president as he spoke for over an hour:

House Dems Give Nancy Pelosi Standing Ovation After SOTU-Ripping Stunt (westernjournal.com)

She will undoubtedly provide a beaming smile, wave her hands up and down to the assembled democrats in the audience to stand and revel in their president’s leadership. If you are a democrat, you will be expected to marvel at his speech. If you are a republic, you will be watching an old rerun of any Mel Brooks movie or the Simpsons. The cartoon will better epitomize America today than the Biden SOTU.

If I was a betting man, I would bet on the following:

-Biden bends over and whispers at least 3 times.

-Nancy Pelosi encourages democrats to stand and applaud at least 30 times.

-The president says “build back better” at least 5 times.

-Biden flubbing the tele prompted speech or misspeaking at least 20 times.

-Biden blames Trump (not by name as Trump is the name that cannot be spoken by dems) for the poor situation he inherited, be it foreign policy, the border, jobs, or the disunified country. After all, it is Biden alone that could unify the USA.

Care to bet on how long it takes for him to claim Republican’s envy Vlad Putin and Trump (not by name) will be called out for saying, “Putin is genius”. Yes, Trump is not the great communicator the right presents him to be. In fact, he is a terrible communicator, but it works because his message if America First. Context cannot be explained in a transcript. I digress.

Back to the SOTU. Play the drinking game and take a shot every time Biden mentions himself, his administration, what he did, what he’s doing, etc. You will be drunk and realize, Biden is as big a narcissist as Obama and Trump, perhaps even bigger if the meds are working. Don’t forget to listen up for the “Climate Change” message!

For the first time ever, the Democrats will ‘allow’ the rebuttal from a republican, and THREE other democrats (virtue signaling much?). The republicans will provide the Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds to speak. The SOTU-2, 3 and 4 will follow by democrats representing the “squad”, the Congressional Black Caucus, and another democrat tribe, the centrist (which consist of Rep. Gottheimer and nobody else apparently):

  • Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Colin Allred will speak on behalf of progressives and the CBC, respectively.  
  • Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a centrist, will speak on a panel hosted by No Labels (and no followers?). 

The message with 3 more speakers for the dems means to me that Joe Biden can’t even unify the democrats, much less America. They need 3 more democrats to complain to America that they are not getting their due. The democrats aren’t the type of people that want to be unified. They are a collective victim of any and everything (usually older men and that includes black and other BIPOC men) that has put them where they are. In the Freedom loving land of America where they can never achieve freedom because they live in 1619. Even the rich ones in congress are perpetually angry. They want to control not just America, but the world. The only thing that unites democrats is uncontained hate for Don Trump. One nice carrot out there is you will be able to see our leaders faces as they no longer have to wear masks. Isn’t that convenient that this is allowed in time for the SOTU?

That’s why so many Americans voted for Trump. And will vote for him in 2024. Because he is not a victim. He alone makes them insane and incapable of rational thought. The man lives rent free in the minds of democrats across the USA.

Pick up a beverage and enjoy the SOTU. I have other plans. I know what the SOTU will be like without watching. I’ve got a date with a Dos XX and “Blazing Saddles”.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 1 March 2022 that you will find at www.notquiterightnews.com :

Today’s DIME lead articles:


I admire Zelensky. He is demonstrating leadership in a demanding situation. He has risen to the challenge:

Zelensky says Russian bombing must stop before ceasefire talks begin | TheHill

Maybe President Z is getting ammunition from Biden:

Biden speaks with Zelensky as Russia ramps up its attacks | TheHill

A diplomatic message delivered:

Watch: About 100 UN Diplomats Walk Out Of Address By Russia’s Lavrov | ZeroHedge


How long will the mother’s of Russian soldiers keep hearing “Cargo 22”?:

Ukraine invasion: Why the phrase ‘Cargo 200’ ignites terror among the mothers of Russian soldiers | World News | Sky News


I for one am very happy to have the Japanese as US Allies:

As tensions in East Asia mount, Japan looks to beef up Okinawa defense | The Japan Times


Stagflation hell?! Bring back the “misery index” of Jimmy Carter. I bet Biden can top it:

Stagflation On Deck: Atlanta Fed Cuts Q1 GDP To 0.0% | ZeroHedge

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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