NQRNews for 10 DEC: Trade Complete. Defense Budget… Not so Much.

NQRNews for 10 DEC: Trade Complete. Defense Budget… Not so Much.


Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today’s highlighted article at NQRNews:

Pentagon Chief Warns Putin Is “Modernizing & Expanding” Nuclear Arsenal | ZeroHedge

Defense Secretary Austin wants the US taxpayer to believe Russia (actually Putin) is “modernizing and expanding” his nuclear arsenal. Apparently an $858 BILLION isn’t enough, so the SECDEF needs to scare the taxpayer more.

Russia is currently begging, borrowing and stealing ammunition from any and everyone available that wants to see the western civilization fail. Now the Russian’s have a notorious arms dealer who is probably rip-roaring and ready to sell weapons to all kinds of nefarious characters.

But that’s OK. Biden got Britney Griner back so she can be an icon for the wokester puppets from Nantucket to Hollywood.

The rest of the globe is laughing at the USA right now. Not just for this ridiculous trade, but for the failure of the USA’s leadership to effectively LEAD the world down the road to liberty and freedom.

Just keep sending up those chips China. Or maybe you will need to start kidnapping NBA players.

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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