NQRNews for 13 Aug. Taliban Headed for Kabul, COVID Lambda Spreading

NQRNews for 13 Aug. Taliban Headed for Kabul, COVID Lambda Spreading

(Image by Sky News)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

After yesterday’s coverage of the Taliban Terror, we get even more news of the debacle that is Afghanistan.

Our first story is straight up media fear porn:

Taliban Now 30 Miles From Kabul As Terrifying “March On Capital” Begins | ZeroHedge

Then we have this ditty that the US Embassy is busy:

US Embassy in Kabul urges staff to destroy sensitive material | TheHill

This Sky News article with a perspective on the Afghani defense (illusion?):

Afghanistan: Translators and security guards among thousands struggling to flee as Taliban advance | World News | Sky News

Now I’m not one to throw shade on an ally, unless it’s needed. It is needed now. We used to describe the French as “Surrender Monkey’s”. There was a joke about buying a new French rifle; never been fired and only dropped once! But the Afghan military has set a new standard. It would be fine to laugh about if it wasn’t so damn infuriating. Thousands of lives upended or dead supporting that country. Over $2.2TRILLION spent and they can’t make it 90 days?! Granted they have all the support Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, and CJCS Milley can give them, but at least shoot a bullet at the Taliban. Speaking of Joe, enjoy your weak-end in Delaware. Good thing the media is covering for you. Just in case your staff didn’t write you the note card, the Afghani’s are getting their ass KICKED! Shame you missed Obama’s birthday party. He could’ve given you pointers on what to do like he did in Libya.

Go back to sleep, Mr. President. The DNC is all over this chaos just like they were during election 2020. You wanted the job, it’s about time you did it.

Uncle Mike

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 13 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

Must be the terrorist have one of Hunter Biden’s laptops too:

DHS warns of heightened risk for attacks ahead of 9/11 anniversary | TheHill

Information news:

If Afghanistan collapse wasn’t enough bad news, COVID Lambda is on the way:

First Japan case involving lambda COVID-19 variant linked to Olympics | The Japan Times

Military News:

Afghanistan is a military soup sandwich, so this is the DoD focus:

Service leaders have a month to come up with a plan to vaccinate all troops against COVID-19 (militarytimes.com)

Perhaps I missed it in the article, but the General did not indicate if he was given Ivermectin or Remdesivir. There are treatments available, but you just don’t hear about them in the news. Why not?:

Here’s what the Space Force’s No. 2 officer learned from having COVID-19 (airforcetimes.com)

And for the finale, we have this article on our buddy Vlad Putin explaining their new nukes! Don’t worry folks. The leader of the free world, is all over defending America and western democracy from people that want to kill us. No wonder the US is headed towards communism. It’s so much easier to ‘bend the knee’ than to live free:

Bouncing the rubble: Does US need new nukes? – Asia Times

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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