NQRNews for 14 Dec: An News Item Not to be Forgotten

NQRNews for 14 Dec: An News Item Not to be Forgotten

(Image by Americanspectator.org)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Have you already forgotten the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan? I haven’t. I’m still angry about the over $80 BILLION in equipment the USA left in the hands of the Taliban. Not to mention the US people, green card holders, translators and their family members Biden left behind. I highly encourage you voters to not forget this when next November comes around. The withdrawal is one of the greatest embarrassments the USA has even experienced, and it wasn’t necessary.

As the USA military leadership focused on diversity and LGBTQ training, they failed to prepare a proper plan to withdraw from Afghanistan. This is a direct failure that can and should be attributed to the Biden Administration leadership. I know some of you are saying let it go. But I can’t. This is important. It is an indicator of poor decision making that ripples throughout the current US leadership.

I don’t’ see it getting any better in the next year.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 13 Dec.


A resounding case of ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’;

Kremlin says Putin, Xi talks to highlight ‘aggressive’ US, NATO rhetoric | TheHill


Any cost for the establishment of a union will be passed on to the consumer in higher prices:

Biden’s Union Push Is A Driver Of Still More Inflation | ZeroHedge


The key point in this article is “right now”:

Full-on Russian invasion, threat to US troops in Ukraine unlikely right now (militarytimes.com)


As if China alone stirring the pot wasn’t enough:

Russia stepping up its Pacific military presence – Asia Times

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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