NQRNews for 14 Sep: Blinken Stinkin’ on the Congressional Hot Seat, Biden Avoiding Football Games?

NQRNews for 14 Sep: Blinken Stinkin’ on the Congressional Hot Seat, Biden Avoiding Football Games?

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Today the media is attempting to cover for Joe Biden’s terrible handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal by failing to highlight congressional ‘cross examination’ of SECSTATE Tony Blinken and pretending there are no chants from football stadiums of Americans exercise freedom of speech (Senator Asks Blinken — ‘Who is the puppeteer controlling Biden, does the WH have a mute button’… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS and ‘F–k Joe Biden’ chants break out at college football games (nypost.com) .

The major driver for this is the speech Biden made last week threatening GOP State Governors over vaccine mandates and blaming Trump supporters (no longer deplorables, but unvaccinated truthers that are all colluding against Biden. Yes, the president is that insecure…). The USA is turning a corner on COVID, but the media is pushing alarmist narratives and using political doctors to emphasize misinformation that preaches the administration narrative. The US population is not buying it. Proof, stadiums of 50-100K of people unmasked.

Another story that is gaining some traction is the story in a book about General Mark Milley Vanilly, that indicates he had a phone call with his Chinese counterpart to say he would inform the Chinese General of any plans Trump had to start a war or use nuclear weapons.  Can’t wait for the facts to unravel on this story. At the very least, Milley was untrustworthy to the Commander in Chief and the country that elected him. At the worst, he should be subject to UCMJ. He probably has the unconditional support of Joe Biden. But, who believes the good General would follow any order Biden gives him that Milley doesn’t agree with? Would the good General have to ask former President Obama’s permission to execute a Biden directive of consequence? Probably just a call to Susan Rice or a Chinese General for clarification would suffice.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 14 SEP.


Every second of hell that Blinken gets from congress is deserved:

Senate lawmakers let frustration show with Blinken | TheHill

We giving $64million to the Taliban in aid, but this?:

Biden placing new conditions on Egypt aid | TheHill


COVID shakes in the veins of Putin! I don’t think he’ll get it. He’s already got his peeps searching for it in the Kremlin:

Putin to self-isolate amid COVID-19 cases in Kremlin circles | The Japan Times

A truly, “not quite right news” story:

Egypt: Researchers identify prehistoric killer whale that walked on land from 43-million-year-old fossil | UK News | Sky News


Every day, we hear of something else the CJCS did or does that is wrong:

Milley warned defense leaders that Trump could order an unwarranted nuke strike: book (militarytimes.com)

“Lucy! You got some ‘splainin’ to do!”:

Lawmakers threaten to subpoena SECDEF over Afghanistan mistakes (militarytimes.com)


Rare Earth minerals are a hot topic right now:

Prices soar as rare earth demand grows: report – Asia Times

My buddy Ray sent me this article. Just read the first section. $40 million “per year” for mining research by Ms. King, for DoD in Afghanistan? Did you know this was happening with your tax money? What did we get? Did the Chinese get it? You may need to copy and paste this link (C&PL):


One more from my buddy, Ray-Ray. Again, may need to C&PL:


See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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