NQRNews for 15 Aug: Afghanistan Collapses

NQRNews for 15 Aug: Afghanistan Collapses

(Image by AP)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Commentary on the Afghanistan debacle.

Look at this picture captured by AP. This is the image that will resonate throughout history as the point when the USA abdicated it’s leadership on the global stage. The blame for this is on more than Joe Biden.

If you are not embarrassed, humiliated, and furious over the Afghanistan situation, you are not an American. We are forced to sit here, knowing the incompetence of the current administration, and witness a complete abdication of global leadership. There is enough blame to go around here to fill an encyclopedia. Trump isn’t blameless in this whole event. However the total 100%, absolute failure to plan for the Taliban Terror overwhelming Afghanistan lies directly at the feet of the current SECDEF and SECSTATE. No plan for withdraw. None whatsoever. No identification by the intelligence community to analyze the Taliban capabilities or intent. The US can’t get 3000, no 5000, no, more like 8000 troops to Kabul in 72 hours. Yet, the Taliban grew to 100,000 plus troops in hours and stormed through every Afghan capital in less than a week! Rewarded with brand new American military equipment ($88Billion of taxpayers funds) that was not even used by the ADF. The Karzai airport is the Alamo for western culture. Globally, the terrorists and communists are having a field day with asinine tweets and press releases that we can’t respond to because our ‘president’ is in hiding, protected by incompetent fools, and tweeting about COVID.

Last week the WH paraded a transgender man with multiple selfies depicting how wonderful life is in the WH. While in Afghanistan, a terrorist’s cult of murderous drug runners cut through the Afghan military (the ENTIRE AFGHAN MILITARY) in less than 72 hours. There are so many people to be held accountable for this we don’t know where to start. Of course, no one in the current administration will so much as resign, much less be found responsible for this embarrassment.

But it is more than this global humiliation. This event speaks volumes about the people running the US government, celebrities, academics, and the current US military leadership. They are so absolute in their collective desire to RULE OVER AMERICA, that they missed the whole execution of how to do it. Blue state social democracy over the old ways of capitalist liberty. They can’t even ‘rule’ over third world countries because of the misguided perception that all men (yeah, women, but we see what’s happening to them in Afghanistan don’t we) though ‘created’ in equity, are NOT EQUAL. Some men are murdering bastards that need to be treated as such. Let’s not challenge the narrative with truth.

We Americans are responsible for this. We sat on our asses and allowed Joe Biden to become president. The court system failed us and the world. The courts were afraid that Antifa and BLM protesters would show up at their houses and yell. We didn’t arrest people in the US that committed crimes. We watched as journalists, in front of burning buildings gaslight us by saying it was “peaceful protest”. We allowed ourselves to be pushed around by people that aren’t worth our time, must less our vote. We accepted this administration and Madame Speaker as she used her gavel like a sword to castrate free men. Arresting protestors as insurrectionists without so much as a peep against the lies they had the audacity to question. We accepted COVID mask mandates and experimental vaccines while elite’s have birthday parties without masks or 6 foot of separation. Then rub their draconian rules in our faces as they hide in mansions or basements. But I digress on the cowardly path we ‘citizens’ took to avoid conflict. We hid behind our belief that the law would work for US. The Constitution would be upheld. That our way of life is what other people around the world in far away places like Afghanistan wanted. Now we sit on our couches and watch the Afghan population try to avoid their own ‘conflict’. They will die because we let Biden happen. Watch as the rest of the world laughs at the choices our so called ‘leadership’ make.

Joe Biden is the third term of Obama. The left never understood that Trump was elected because of Obama’s ego, events like Benghazi and the mismanagement that his charisma covered. This Kabul clown show is 100% worse than Benghazi because so many people fought and loss their lives expecting freedom to be more than word. Freedom is supposed to be a way of life. The people of America were called upon in 2020 and we choose wrong. Allowing the election of Biden failed the world. What Ally feels they can count on US? Taiwan is probably having a closed-door meeting at this very minute. India, even the EU must be altering strategic plans because of the debacle they are witnessing. It appears the US correctly under the previous administration asked her allies to do more out of desire. Now US allies must do more due to her diplomatic incompetence. Not just in Afghanistan, but with global COVID, Russian and Chinese military challenges, African and European diplomatic ineptness, and the failure to unify the country at home due to divisive rhetoric. No one can trust this administration to do the right thing. They are about political power 24/7, 365 a year. They are not about serving the people at home, much less abroad.

If we are to ever to gain our pride, we must start with remembering the principle of Americanism. The principle of freedom over tyranny. Hell, the simple truth of right vs. wrong. Without understanding these simple things, you are unable to understand the magnitude of the failure we are all responsible for. The simple ‘election’ of Joe Biden isn’t the only reason for this. Don Trump isn’t the answer either. As a nation, the US people must make better choices on what is right and what is wrong. Or the failure in Afghanistan is simply the beginning of the end of freedom throughout the world. Unless we, the American people step up to defend America at home. It’s not too late.

Uncle Mike

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 14 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

Taliban Seize Kabul, Enter Presidential Palace As President Flees Country | ZeroHedge

Information news:

This should be a match made in hell. Taliban religious extremism meet communism of the Chinese variety. So glad President Biden got us out of world leadership:

As Taliban advances, China lays groundwork to accept an awkward reality | The Japan Times

Military News:

So many heroes in untold Vietnam stories. Take it from someone that knows:

‘What’s happening now is worse’: Midway skipper who pushed choppers off deck in fall of Saigon (militarytimes.com)


Will be interesting to see how the global markets respond:

The U.S. economy looks strong. But can it maintain this pace? – CSMonitor.com

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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