NQRNews for 16 Aug: Taliban Announces “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”

NQRNews for 16 Aug: Taliban Announces “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”

(Image by AFP)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Afghanistan collapse is all the news rage today. The US headlines are the buck stops with Joe vs. Trump left the next administration a Shiite sammich. The truth is there is blame enough for everyone involved past and present.

My opinion. Cudo’s to Joe Biden for being decisive and getting US and our allies out of Afghanistan. Great decision (no explanation why he didn’t convince Obama to get out 10 years ago, but that’s for another time). That said, the execution of the withdraw was to be executed by event driven management (under the Trump administration plan with a May completion time frame) to step through an orderly process. Trump’s agreement was for a May completion. On 20 January, when Biden became president, he no longer felt obligated to work under the conditions agreed upon by the previous administration. It was Biden that changed the deal. The Biden plan was delay it until 11 SEP (Lawmakers Divided Over Biden’s Plan to Withdraw All Troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 – The New York Times (nytimes.com) for political reasons and optics. The Taliban are terroristic, drug dealing murderers. They don’t give a damn about optics, unless it’s a body hanging from a scaffold to ‘shape’ the behavior of the ruled population. After May, the agreement was broken, and the Taliban began their timeline. With ADF not getting paid and the Afghan politicians completely disintegrating, it is no wonder the country collapsed. The result of this global embarrassment rightly belongs with Joe Biden.

When you look at the video of USAF cargo jets attempting to leave, you see; young men climbing on the outside of the jet, risking their lives to do anything to leave Afghanistan. You will notice they are young (15-25), they do not have beards. They are westernized, products of urban life. No beards. They cannot grow a beard overnight. They will be treated very badly if they are not killed. You will notice no women chasing after the planes. They are being auctioned off to Taliban fighters as war brides. The women of Afghanistan know exactly what awaits them. Now, probably for the rest of their lives. I am apathetic toward the men. I am glad my feet are not in their sandals. But I feel extremely sad for the women of Afghanistan. We failed them.

Way ahead. The US needs to support any entity in Afghanistan that is willing to stand up to the Taliban. I fear there may be none left. The equipment left behind will be worthless in a year. The Taliban doesn’t care about tanks. Whatever entity that is against the Taliban is our friend and we owe it to anyone left to counter the Taliban our wholehearted support. I expect within a year the ‘Emirate’ of Afghanistan will be the home of Al Quida re-dux and numerous other terrorists organizations. That is the greatest loss from this failed evacuation. Most people have forgotten the amount of terrorists inflicted during the Obama years. The US will be subjected to increased terrorism and other problems due to an administration that demonstrated an inability to keep it’s promise and demonstrated catastrophic weakness on the global stage.

Prayers for those we left behind. We will see if Allah protects them.

Uncle Mike

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 16 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

The thought, ‘day late and dollar short’ comes to mind. Yet isn’t close to what the truth is. Multiple people screwed this up, and Biden is right; the buck stops with him. Glad our American’s are out, but the trust in America is being questioned by our allies. Meanwhile Russia and China coordinate strategically for the US decline. Expect more testing of the Biden administration:

Blinken reaches out to China and Russia on Afghanistan | TheHill

Information news:

China cannot be blamed for ‘uninvesting’ in the US. This has been ongoing for some time now:

China Dumped US Treasuries For 4th Straight Month, Most Since 2016 | ZeroHedge

Military News:

Nobody disagree’s with the decision to pull US (and Allies) troops out of Afghanistan. It is the inability to protect and plan for a coordinated, safe and orderly departure that appears not to have happened that has people upset. Especially the Afghan people. Apparently the US stopped paying the ADF in July (who knew the US taxpayers were paying that too!), and the US contractors providing maintenance to the ADF, left two months ago. Good decision, incredibly bad execution. My bet is no one gets fired:

Afghanistan: President Biden says he stands ‘squarely’ behind decision to pull out US troops | World News | Sky News


Interesting concept. Away from gold and PM’s toward crypto(?). Just keep Biden away from anything to do with the US economy! Even Obama knew of Joe’s ability to ‘screw’ things up:

Ferguson: 50 Years After Going Off Gold, the Dollar Must Go For Crypto | ZeroHedge

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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