NQRNews for 17 Mar: TikToc “Influencers” Used by White House

NQRNews for 17 Mar: TikToc “Influencers” Used by White House

(image – TikTok Logo)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Yesterday, Joe Biden called Vlad Putin a “war criminal”. The repercussions of that comment from the heart (Jen Psaki trying to make the ignorant comment palatable) are being felt today:

Russia Tells US ‘We Have The Might To Put You In Your Place’ As Turkey Seeks Putin-Zelensky Meeting | ZeroHedge

The Russian attacks into cities against civilians continues. It is however hard to not call the guy calling the “shots” (pun intended!) a war criminal with articles like this:

Ukraine war: ‘People are coming out alive’ – Survivors reported after airstrike on Mariupol theatre sheltering a thousand civilians | World News | Sky News

With ongoing attempts at peace talks, Biden’s (off the cuff) comment was bound to make the Russian Macho Man incensed (def: enraged). Of course, this might play well with US media and the 81 million voters that may or may not have voted for Uncle Joe happy. They aren’t under the bombs, missiles and artillery rounds that the Ukrainians are.

Someone in the Biden White House thought it would be a good idea to bring “influencers” from TikTok into the White House to use as pawns in a cultural stretch that undoubtedly hopes to establish the “influencers” into positions of leadership that will be used again for the elections in 2022 and hopefully even more so in 2024 when Joe Biden runs again. You know the DNC is hoping for this because VP Harris doesn’t stand a chance to win in 2024.

Some supporters of Joe Biden apparently believe it is OK to fight a nuclear war with Russia (30%?). This is how far the education system in the USA has fallen. These supporters are tools of propaganda. These supporters were worried that Don Trump was going to start a nuclear war. Trump was never this close to a war of any kind as Biden is now. These same supporters don’t know how to read so they get their news from 15 second sound bites on TikTok, a Chinese propaganda social media site that is warping any common sense the USAs younger generation and leftists’ fools may have had. Let me explain something to you Tik Toc users. Put down the phone and read a history book! Talk to an older Japanese citizen. While you are at it, grow the hell up and do some adulting! NO ONE WINS A NUCLEAR WAR!

Between Tik Toc influencers and Bidens’ poll numbers climbing because of the “Putin is the devil” media storm, we can expect the US government keeping Ukraine in the fight until at least November’s elections. The goal here is to keep the failings of Biden’s presidency out of the news until after the midterm elections. What egomaniacal ‘TickTockTool’ doesn’t want to be elevated to TikTok immortality by being called to the Biden White House to regurgitate exactly what the White House wants you to say? This is the social media holy grail! They will be called upon again in the future to utter exactly what they are told to say, exactly when the White House wants them to.

Granted inflation will still be running amok. The US national debt could be $32 or $33 TRILLION by then, but this is irrelevant. The media and the Silicon Valley are choosing the political players, not the voters. The only way to defeat them is to mobilize your representatives to fix the voting system in your areas to prevent cheating, assist with ‘get out the vote’ efforts and get your own financial house in order. Don’t forget to be prepared for the inevitable COVID-_(?)_.

Imagine if your ESG score is too high and the government decides you can’t be allowed to vote because of ‘wrong think’ or ‘wrong speak’?

Those in power in DC today need to be voted out in November. It shouldn’t be close.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 17 March 2022:


Don’t hold your breath for any positive outcome in this discussion:

Biden to speak with Xi Jinping on Friday | TheHill


What does the shipping industry have against cars?:

Global News that’s right on the D.I.M.E. | Not Quite Right News

I wonder if they procured this technology and from whom?:

China in a microwave weapon great leap forward – Asia Times


Just $800Million. Why not round up and make it even. What’s $1Billion amongst allies (that aren’t in NATO). The US taxpayer is being asked to pay for this:

Congress backs more military aid for Ukraine, but how much remains unclear (militarytimes.com)


Somebody making weapons is making a ‘killing’:

China in a microwave weapon great leap forward – Asia Times

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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