NQRNews for 18 Mar: Biden Talks to Xi about Putin

NQRNews for 18 Mar: Biden Talks to Xi about Putin

(image by asia.nikkei.com)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today we have the two school bullies calling each other names. “You’re a murderous thug”! “You’re irritable”! (Vlad is spot on calling Biden “irritable”, but come on… Nothing better than that?):

Russia hits Biden for ‘irritability’ after he calls Putin a ‘murderous dictator’ | TheHill

It’s like listening to 4th graders on a playground, except it could escalate to a nuclear war. The globe is being subjected to this and media reporting that eggs on both verbal combatants because they want to report on war. It seems incredibly ridiculous to me for two billion people to hang on the words of Biden and Putin breathlessly as they have a boyhood (not to be confused with MANhood) measuring contest. We are truly living in insane times.

We have millions of people in the USA running around that are literally insane. To the point of either criminal violence or suicide. Yet, they put J6 protesters in jail without charges for over a year. Our politicians dither over trillion$ that will never be paid back and do everything they can to destroy capitalism to create a government system that wants control over everything but can’t control the southern border. This must be deliberate because incompetence couldn’t fail this miserably. There are people in the world that want this kind of failure. These people that want to see the west and democracy fail and they attend the Davos rallies of elites.

Biden is talking with Xi today. Imagine the results. The media and Jen Psaki have already written their response to this. ‘It went very well’. ‘President Biden read our cards properly’. And the kicker, they won’t need to send Kamala to Beijeng.

Guess we shouldn’t make fun of these events. Trillions of tax dollars are being spent without taxpayers providing input. Even more important, millions of lives are at stake.

If we can pull our focus from Biden/Putin/Xi efforts to make deals long enough, we might see the rest of the world still turns. Here is a video from Sky News as they mock the US leaders:

Sky News Australia mocks Nancy… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

The democrats were worried about what the world thought of Trump. I don’t think they expected this.

Uncle Mike

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Here are the highlighted stories for 18 March 2022:


Remember these clowns with $84BILLION of US military equipment that could’ve been given to the Ukraine:

Taliban reportedly arrests journalists over story on censoring: report | TheHill


Japan has a century of border conflict with Russia in the Pacific rim:

Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy to address Japan’s parliament next week | The Japan Times


When the invasion stops, who is going to pay the Trillions it will cost to repair Ukraine?:

Ukraine war: Videos show apocalyptic destruction in Mariupol as Russia says it is ‘tightening the noose’ | World News | Sky News


After years of low interest rates, the buyers will not accept high interest rates and climbing prices in the housing market:

Existing Home Sales Tumble On ‘Double Whammy’ Of Soaring Prices, Rising Mortgage Rates | ZeroHedge

See other articles at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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