NQRNews for 19 APR: Russia Continues to Attack Ukrainian Cities

NQRNews for 19 APR: Russia Continues to Attack Ukrainian Cities

(Image Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Mariupol, Ukraine has been destroyed. It is on its final leg of survival thanks to the constant bombardment by Russia forces:

SAP winding down Russian operations | The Hill

The western city of Lviv has also been targeted.

US and European forces are trying to provide support with military and humanitarian aid. Russia must be made to feel consequences for Putin’s invasion.

A prediction for you. The invasion of Ukraine will NOT be over until after the US election.

One question. Who has to pay to “fix Ukraine”? We’re talking about $1Trillion. Heads up US taxpayers.

Uncle Mike

More articles available at: Global News that’s right on the D.I.M.E. | Not Quite Right News

Here are links to the top stories on the D. I. M. E. available at the NQRNews website:


Germany moving companies from Russia:

SAP winding down Russian operations | The Hill


Jack Dorsey (Twitter) goes after CNN. Really? Seems like fallout from Elon Musk’s attempted purchase. Jack Dorsey is not the beacon of free speech. He is hammering CNN to virtue signal himself as being on the USA Team Freedom. Jack Dorsey is on Team Jack Dorsey:

Jack Dorsey Goes After CNN For Deliberately Stirring Division | ZeroHedge


The business of war. Very surprised the US is delaying this sale:

US State Dept. approves $1 billion sale to Nigeria, delayed over human rights concerns (defensenews.com)


IMO, another mistake by the Biden Administration:

A million barrels a day: Biden to release oil from reserve – CSMonitor.com

From the files for “Not quite right news” section:

If famous American generals were on Tinder (airforcetimes.com)

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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