NQRNews for 25 Jan: Time to Start Our Own Club

NQRNews for 25 Jan: Time to Start Our Own Club

(Image by walldesk.com)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

George Carlin said, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!” (language 3:15 mark for this comment):
George Carlin – It’s A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It! – Bing video

If you watch the whole Carlin bit, I would add, they don’t just want your money (Social Security is only the tip of the iceberg) anymore. The purpose of the “RESET” is to take everything you and I own away. They want what we have. They want our obedience. Who is they? The elites. The elites can be found frolicking together at places like Davos. These are people who feel they know everything, have all the answer and are genuinely full of #^&! (themselves). They can be identified there making plans and formulating ‘exercises’ in what to do to contain a global virus (EVENT 201- OCT 2019). Soon after this, COVID was discovered in China and the rest is crappy history indicative of human clusterfuckery.

They are responsible for ‘build back better’. You know the slogan! The one that Joe Biden borrowed (plagiarized or directed to use?) from the elites that want global domination. What you don’t see is ‘build back better’ flags flying on the back of pick-up trucks next to American Flags. You don’t see leftist wearing blue caps with the slogan on it. Now we are told that 81 Million people voted for Joe Biden and his build back better plan. Do you believe it?

The “leaders”, the Davos crowd, the 1%ers, that want it all feels they deserve to have everything. These are the people that complain about “climate change” yet fly to their collective meetings in private jets. They are people that until recently kept their plans secret. They don’t care anymore. They’ve seen how the population has acquiesced to a flu with a 98% survival rate. They think they are the shepherds, and we are the flock.

The flock has had enough. Everywhere around the world globe, people are understanding they aren’t in the club. The next thing to do is to tell the people in that exclusive club not only that you do not want to be in the club, but you are going to destroy the club! It needs to be broken up. It is way overdue.

Ask yourself if the global leadership deserves you? They don’t. They do not deserve our obedience. They deserve our distain (def: the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect; contempt).

Resistance is never futile. If we make a club, we don’t have to let them in. Let’s make our own club.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 25 January 2022:


If this can help prevent a war in the Ukraine, I’m 100% behind doing it:

Meeks leading bipartisan trip to Ukraine amid Russia tensions | TheHill


I remember Durham! He’s the guy that was supposed to solve the political hanky-panky from 2016:

Durham: DNC Lawyer Marc Elias Has Given Grand Jury Testimony | ZeroHedge


Lethal aide, right:

Lawmakers ask Austin to rush Abrams sale to Poland (defensenews.com)


Could this be a secondary effect of people not having jobs, businesses being closed and COVID fear induced by the Biden Administration?:

WTI Dips After Smaller Than Expected Crude Draw | ZeroHedge

Stone age cars are still cheaper than electric cars.

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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