NQRNews for 26 Aug-Karzai Airport Bombings

NQRNews for 26 Aug-Karzai Airport Bombings

(Image by Marine Corps Intelligence Activity)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

News cycle dominated by Kabul bombings:

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Kabul Attacks; Dozen US Servicemembers Dead | ZeroHedge

I have called both my Senators. Their mailbox is full. No one there to answer. Talked to a staff member from my Congressional district rep and he took my questions. I encourage each one of you to do the same. Left, right, independent. You need to call your rep and express yourself. The number for the capitol hill switchboard is: 202)224-3121. Here are some questions to ask:

Whose decision to walk away from Bagram and when?

Whose decision to leave functioning military equipment for the Taliban?

Whose decision to negotiate with the Taliban on behalf of the American people (pretty sure NO AMERICANS that are in DC!)?

What deals were made by this administration or the CIA during negotiations?

How much money did the Taliban get from taxpayers?

Why weren’t we working with the Taliban on a deal for lithium?

Finally, I am beyond asking for resignations. Resignations won’t do.

This administration has demonstrated contempt for the American people and journalists. Criminal negligence (or even just plain indifference) is unacceptable in the handling of the entire Afghanistan situation. Incompetence is not an excuse.

Is this a deliberate action by this administration to weaken the US in order to bring more voters to the US to continue their incompetent power grab? Is there an agreement to provide military equipment to terrorists? The fact these questions are even being considered is infuriating. This is how bad this is! Too much politics (open border to flood unidentified voters to Red States, CRT instruction instead of STEM, masks or no masks, $5TRILLION for dem voters pet projects, etc.) and not enough taking care of this country by this administration. Joe Biden serves his political party and his pocket. Biden needs to step down immediately!

NO ONE IS GONNA VOTE FOR YOU if you have D by your name because you and your D voters are responsible these events. You have demonstrated you are incapable of leading the country and keeping US citizens safe either domestically or in foreign lands. I know this is the Taliban’s fault for the failure to control the environment. I know it was the terrorists that did the bombings. But this administration is neck deep in the incompetence of how they handled the Afghanistan withdrawal. They must be held to account!

I urge you all to call your congressional reps until we get answers from somebody. Because we won’t get them from the President.

Uncle Mike

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 26 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

The US and Europe are not alone in the Afghanistan debacle:

Japan continues efforts on Afghanistan evacuation mission amid chaos | The Japan Times

Information news:

Latest facts on the Kabul bombings:

Afghanistan: At least 72 people killed in blasts outside Kabul airport – including 12 US troops | World News | Sky News

Military News:

Will be interesting to see how many service members refuse the “mandatory” vaccine:

 Here’s the Army rule for vaccine refusals, which service leaders brushed up on this summer (armytimes.com)


From Johnny Silverbears’ website. Central Banks cannot afford to Taper:

The Silver Bear Cafe

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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