NQRNews for 28 Feb: Russian Invasion and Ukrainian Defense in the Spotlight

NQRNews for 28 Feb: Russian Invasion and Ukrainian Defense in the Spotlight

(Image by AFP JiJi)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

A combination of Ukrainian defenders protecting their homeland, financial sanctions that finally had the collective free world agreeing to and Putin strategic errors has put Russian aggression in the world spotlight. Some insights from last weekend’s Ukrainian defense:

-Homeland defense by an armed civilian population works. (US has the 2nd amendment and in case of invasion, expect 200million armed citizens).

-Lessons Learned include: good old Molotov (Not Russian, but Finnish idea 1939. Petrol bomb, poor man’s grenade or just “Molly”) and his ‘cocktails’ are quick, easy and deadly, infrastructure warfare (destroyed train tracks turned into tank defense, bridges destroyed, signs taken down, civilian militia stood up), civilians have drones (intelligence gathering, even munitions capabilities), Burn land, forest and buildings where enemy encampments/staging areas are), attack logistics and FUEL (soft targets), and have faith in leaders that are willing to fight (Zelensky isn’t a comedian anymore and if they kill him, they will have created a martyr). This conflict will be remembered for one quote from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (to the Biden Administration), “I need ammunition, not a ride!”

-Putin decided to bring in Chechen fighters which added another dimension to the battles. Chechens Muslims were enemies of Christian Russians a decade ago. IMO, Putin wants to use them in the urban environment his troops would have encountered as fodder in door-to-door battles. The Ukrainians developed a PSYOPs program specifically to counter the Chechen troops:

Ukraine fighters grease bullets in Pig Fat to kill Chechen Muslims… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Watch for indications of the results of this technique.

-Russian aggression has moved neutral countries (Switzerland, Finland and Sweden) towards NATO/EU. Russia/Putin have lost the trust of the Western Democracy leadership

-China has observed how the world has coalesced against Russian aggression and will learned from Putin’s mistakes.

-Taiwan has observed and learned from how the Ukrainians have defended their country. Perhaps Taiwan doesn’t need jets, they need 20million rifles, drones, and a leader willing to die for freedom.

The Russian invasion is being watched carefully by the world’s freedom defenders and those that would seek to invade other territory. Information and intelligence is being gatherer by the hour and the outcome is still in doubt. Can Putin decapitate the Ukrainian leadership to end his military aggression? Can Zelensky stay alive and prevent Putin from attaining his goal? TO what degree has Putin pushed NATO/EU to join together and increase their collective military? So many questions yet to be answered. Get the popcorn.

Off track but here’s an idea. Hey Afghanistan, how about providing $80Million in military equipment to the Ukrainian people to fight the Russians! That would be some cool karma.

 Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 28 Feb 2022 that you will find at www.notquiterightnews.com :

Today’s DIME lead articles:


Belarus has ‘hitched it’s wagon’ to Putin, thus expanding the boundaries of this conflict diplomatically, informationally and economically:

US closing embassy in Belarus, allows diplomats to leave Russia | TheHill


The Russian invasion into Ukraine is about Putins’ desire to MRGA (make Russia Great Again) and restore the old USSR. To make this about anything else, like LGBT Rights (MI6), or Donald Trump (Hillary Clinton) or Climate Change (John Kerry) is disingenuous and just plain ignorant:

MI6 Chief Faces Backlash For Saying Ukraine War Is About LGBT Rights | ZeroHedge

IMO, this is a full-fledged “cop out”! (Def: avoidance of doing something -blame Putin, that one ought to -BLAME PUTIN!)


Putin’s mental health has come under scrutiny due to his decision to increase the state of his nuclear forces. Some information on this ridiculous decision by a leader that is losing it:

Ukraine invasion: What nuclear weapons does Russia possess and what might it use them for? | World News | Sky News


These type sanctions work:

US Bans Transactions With Russian Central Bank, Freezing Nearly Half Of Russia’s $630BN In Reserves | ZeroHedge

Understand that China is watching what democracies are doing to Russia. Xi will learn and be better prepared than Putin.

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com


Uncle Mike

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