NQRNews for 8 SEP 22: Bidens’ Historical Speech Will Be Remembered. In November.

NQRNews for 8 SEP 22: Bidens’ Historical Speech Will Be Remembered. In November.

(Joe Biden image by CNN)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Where to start after last Thursday’s ‘historic’ speech by Joe Biden. I needed a week to calm myself. If I was told to describe that speech in one word, I would have to go with “incendiary”. (Def: a person who excites factions, quarrels, or sedition or an agitator). Many issues here.

First, it appears Joe’s handlers wanted to have Biden do an impression of Trump speaking to his followers. This act was a total failure. Joe Biden is not and never will be Don Trump. He is the proverbial politician. He has participated in taking tax dollars and providing them to his cronies for 5 decades. The latest such example being forgiveness of students. Loans that the students agreed to pay back (of which, there are conditions and no plan on how and who gets what, and there are taxes to pay as well) but now receive US taxpayers’ money. Let’s not forget his ability to get away with what sometimes seems to be plagiarism. He has always been a used car salesmen type politician. Slimy enough that the Democrat machine thought he could be their man to beat Trump. And he did.

Next, the actual speech where he chose not to unify the country, but to continue to lump all his opponents into the “MAGA” corner. Millions of people voted for Don Trump simply because he doesn’t follow DC rules. Biden has not been informed (of anything really) why half the country voted for Don Trump. Bidens’ handlers somehow thought this Hitler lite speech would somehow magically turn the people in favor of Joe Biden? This Shiite show failed to unify anything. The GOP, the Trumpies, the RINO’s or the Democrats.

The media did manage to move the needle on the hate MAGA meter by stoking fear and violence against a group that just wants the country to be as good as it once was. That will never happen with this administration. No matter how hard they keep playing the ‘opposite game’. Example: the so called “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022” that will increase inflation in the long run. The media is too busy hammering negative press about MAGA, Ultra MAGA and HUMUNGO MAGA MAR-A-LAGO to explain what will happen with $500BILLION in student loan payouts and multi-TRILLION$ in the misnamed bill. The Federal Reserve and the Congress be damned! The checkbook runs through 1600 Pennsillyvania Ave.

Perhaps with Bidens’ alienation of the GOP members that aren’t MAGA and the unaligned voters may prove to be the eye opener the USA needs to break away from Democrat Progressive ideology. In doing so, the American people can find opportunity to vote FOR something instead of against individual candidates.

What exactly are the ‘domestic terrorists’ called MAGA for? With a shout out to Zero Hedge commenter Z Freedom, here is what the GOP platform stands FOR. The GOP and its members want American leaders that support:

– Secure borders.

– Fair elections

– Energy independence

– Tough on crime

– Save babies

– Stop genital mutilation of kids

– Put parents first

– School choice

– Protect constitutional rights

– Put America First

I do not see any of these as Fascist views. Throw in the appearance that the entire Democrat Party has swallowed the Blue Pill and have determined they should have not just all the money in America, but everything anyone wants to own. The Democrats are executing the Progressive Cloward-Piven Strategy which directs:

“The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income.” – Wiki Def.

This is what the Democrat Party is right now. Money doesn’t matter. There was never any intention to pay off the debt. They have spent and will continue to spend TRILLION$ to garner favor with voters to gain power over the USA to remain in power. To execute a “reset” in line with the new world over (Search Davos) that will eliminate the American Republic and destroy western capitalism.

If you can’t see what is happening to the USA, keep coming back to www.notquiterightnews.com. I will continue to do my best to keep you, me, our families, and friends informed. In return, all I ask is for you and yours to vote FOR GOP representation. They ain’t perfect, but they don’t want to own us.

I will NOT FORGET in November.

Uncle Mike

Here are a couple articles from today’s news, 8 SEP 22.


Queen Elizabeth II has passed away. She was an AMAZING Woman. She ruled the UK for 70 years. The world will certainly miss her:

‘One of my favourite people in the world’ – International leaders pay tribute to the Queen | World News | Sky News


The War in the Ukraine continues with Putin playing the “no gas for you” better than any Seinfeld ‘Soup Nazi’:

Spasm escalation: Russia’s last weapon has been spent – Asia Times

Thank you for visiting. See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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