NQRNews Highlight for 7 MAR: Pro-Ukrainian Group Responsible for Nord Stream Sabotage?

NQRNews Highlight for 7 MAR: Pro-Ukrainian Group Responsible for Nord Stream Sabotage?

(Image by Associated Press)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today is MAR 7th. The highlighted article for today is here:

Intelligence suggests pro-Ukrainian group sabotaged pipeline: New York Times | The Hill

It indicates there is intelligence indicating a pro-Ukrainian “Group” sabotaged the Stream pipeline. This is according to the New York Times. Of course a pro-Ukrainian “group” would have a motive to blowing up the Russian gas pipeline that supplied NATO allies with natural gas. When they are seeking to garner support, military equipment and funding from NATO countries. Right…..

That makes zero sense. The US media will have people wipe away comments previously made by the Biden administration that claimed they would prevent the pipeline from supplying Germany with gas if the Russian’s invaded Ukraine. Perhaps a ‘journalist’ should dig into that comment and see if it was acted upon.

There is video showing a US Armored Brigade worth of armor sitting in a Polish port. The US keeps provided ungodly amounts of money to Ukrainian defenses. And we have reports there are Ukrainian pilots training in the US.

It appears the powers that be are seeking an expansion to the  Russia-Ukrainian conflict. To what level is yet to be seen. Stay informed.

I recommend if you have the ability to stock up on provisions and some precious metals (silver) while the price is down.

This year is going to be one for the history books.

Uncle Mike

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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