NQRNews Highlighted Article 26 FEB 24: US Navy Continues Strikes in Yemen

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Here are today’s highlighted article. The US DOD continues to confront the Huthi’s in Yemen:

US, UK strikes on Houthi sites in Yemen answer Red Sea attacks (airforcetimes.com)

Iran continues to attack the US via proxies including the Huthi’s, Hamas and Hezbollah. A sinister trilogy of Shiite hate directed at elimination of the Jewish state of Israel and the greater Satan, the USA.

One other note of this fight. This new conflict is the testing ground for many new 21st century weapons, especially drones and UAS’s. Understand that both sides are capturing tactics, techniques, and procedures daily. These TTP will be needed for upcoming warfare that may be the result of US foreign policy failures.

Buckle up Bucaroos.

Uncle Mike

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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